Module 1
Arms are the primary contact point for both defense and offense, it is important that the arms develop to become fast and powerful. The better one develops his/her arms, the better one can control an attack to counter the opponent. Having developed our arms gives us the ability to block, deflect, parry, absorb, and strike.
Lesson 1
Core Training - Developing Your Fist
Lesson 2
Core Training: Develop Your Arm Movement Through Wrist Control
Lesson 3
Core Training: Snatch And Grab
Lesson 4
Core Training: Advanced Wrist Training - Developing Angles
Lesson 5
Core Training - Cycle Punches & Basic Pushups
Lesson 6
C.O.R.E. Training - Developing Speed And Focus
Lesson 7
C.O.R.E. Training - Developing Power And Control
Lesson 8
Explosive Wrist Training - Up And Down
Lesson 9
Explosive Wrist Training - Side To Side
Lesson 10
Explosive Training - Projecting In Your Forearms
Lesson 11
Explosive Wrist Training - Thumb Side To Pinky Side
Lesson 12
Developing The Wrist And The Forearms
Lesson 13
Develop Better Gripping For Your Hands
Lesson 14
Develop Your Wrist And Torque
Lesson 15
Defense And Offense Technique | Wrist Training | Torquing The Pinky Side
Lesson 16
Wrist Exercise To Learn How To Torque Better (Side Wrist Control)
Lesson 17
Wrist Exercise - Develop Your Wrist Strength (Forward And Backwards)
Lesson 18
Wrist Control - Getting The Energy Into The Wrist
Lesson 19
Wrist Exercise - Forward Grip Flip
Lesson 20
Wrist Exercise - Reverse grip Flip
Lesson 21
Wrist Twist
Lesson 22
Helicopter Swing
Lesson 23
Chair Assisted Tricep Dips
Lesson 24
Single Chair Triceps Dips
Lesson 25
Develop Isometric Control
Lesson 26
Developing Shoulders And Forearms With Weights
Lesson 27
Explosive Training - Snap Fast And Hard
Lesson 28
Wrist Training Using A Staff
Lesson 29
Learning To Move Your Wrist While Keeping Your Fingers Steady
Lesson 30
How To Control Your Wrist Without Breaking Your Structure
Lesson 31
Towel Training | Learning To Turn Your Wrist To Point
Lesson 32
Towel Training Gripping Strength
Lesson 33
Towel Training Wrap Around Grip Training
Lesson 34
Towel Training | Grip And Arm Strength
Lesson 35
Isometric Training - Flipping Drill
Lesson 36
How To Move Without Moving Your Elbow
Lesson 37
Isometric Wrist Training
Lesson 38
Wrist Control - Finger Dexterity Training
Lesson 39
Work Your Arms, Delts, Traps, Shoulders & Chest - Chair Dips
Lesson 40
Isometric Control | Arm Conditioning | Weight Lifting
Lesson 41
C.O.R.E. Training | The Wrist Squeeze
Lesson 42
Wrist Explosive Training | Turning Your Wrist Without Your Arms
Lesson 43
Extensor Flexor Muscle Training
Lesson 44
C.O.R.E. Training | Partner Drill | Wrist Training Using The Staff
Lesson 45
C.O.R.E. Training | Battle Of The Strengths
Lesson 46
C.O.R.E. Training | Sit Down Wrist Training
Module 2
Body – the center and mediator for our arms and legs, our body gives us the torque and balance. It is the mass that helps drive energy to our limbs. Having a strong core allows us to twist and turn to help deflect attacks, deliver power to our limbs as well as maintain good stamina.
Lesson 1
Ball Training | The Dead Weight Technique
Lesson 2
Working The Top and Middle Abs
Lesson 3
Working The Lower Abs
Lesson 4
The Crunch Punch
Lesson 5
Extension Push Ups
Lesson 6
Circle Pushups
Lesson 7
Stability Push Ups
Lesson 8
High - Rise Push Ups
Lesson 9
Single Chair Push Up
Lesson 10
Separating Push Ups
Lesson 11
Throw Back Situps
Lesson 12
Working The Obliques
Lesson 13
The Box Push Up
Lesson 14
3 Chair Push Ups
Lesson 15
The Favored Push - Ups
Lesson 16
Partner Training For The Lower Abdominal Area
Lesson 17
High Low Push Ups
Lesson 18
Rocking Push Ups
Lesson 19
Squat Thrust Push Ups
Lesson 20
C.O.R.E. Training Ab Work With A Chair
Module 3
Legs – the driving force to kick comes from our legs. The more developed our legs, the better one can advance, retreat, turn, and root. Our legs are our connection to the ground allowing us to generate power and balance. It is the key to long range combat and creating angles. Our legs find its roots through the ground. By training our C.O.R.E. can we learn to connect and project our energy as one. Only when we learn to move as one can we learn to control our opponent.
Lesson 1
Core Training - Stick Kicks
Lesson 2
Core Training - Developing The Front Kick
Lesson 3
Core Training | Developing The Sidekick
Lesson 4
Iron Pillars, Tree Climbers & Dragon Slides
Lesson 5
Balance Training | Balance In Motion
Lesson 6
Strength & Balance Exercises | Side Kick Training
Lesson 7
Squat Kicks
Lesson 8
Training The Calf Muscle
Lesson 9
Condition Exercise - Learn How To Do Dragon Sweeps
Lesson 10
Leg Training - Coordination And Balance
Lesson 11
Walking Kick | Kicking While In Motion
Lesson 12
Leg Training - Frog Jumps
Lesson 13
Sidekick Chair Training
Lesson 14
Leg Training | Balance & Control
Lesson 15
Training Your Dynamic Flexibility
Lesson 16
Twisting Horse Stance Training
Lesson 17
Single Leg Strengthening
Lesson 18
C.O.R.E. Training | Developing Legs And Arms Using The Cat Stance
Lesson 19
C.O.R.E. Training | Crane Walking Technique
Lesson 20
C.O.R.E. Training | Footwork Control Through Your Hip
Lesson 21
First Steps In Creating A Shuffle Kick
Module 4
In this section you will learn various stretches
Lesson 1
Waking Up The Body
Lesson 2
Kicking Stretching Exercise
Lesson 3
Arm Stretch
Lesson 4
Stretch Your Back, Chest And Legs
Lesson 5
High Leg Stretch
Lesson 6
Straddle Stretch
Lesson 7
Hip Flexor Stretching
Lesson 8
C.O.R.E. Training | Calf Stretching
Lesson 9
C.O.R.E. Training | Stretching The Back
Module 5
Monthly Conditioning
In this module you are going to get monthly exercise routines to help condition your body.
Lesson 1
Monthly Exercise Training Drills - Iron Pillars - Crunches - Push Ups
Lesson 2
Monthly Training Exercise Drills - Month 2
Lesson 3
Monthly Conditioning Routine | Push Ups, Crunches, Stomach Slaps, Dragon Slides
Lesson 4
Isometric Training - Developing Tendons And Muscles
Lesson 5
The 4 Counts - Monthly Conditioning
Lesson 6
5 Animals Tension Exercise
Lesson 7
Advanced Push Up Training
Lesson 8
Monthly Conditioning Routine | Core, Strength, Balance And Speed
Lesson 9
Monthly Condition | Explosive Arm Training
Lesson 10
C.O.R.E.Training Monthly Conditioning Legs Arms Abs
Lesson 11
C.O.R.E. Training Squat Thrust | Push Up | Jump Up
Module 6
Body And Bone Conditioning
In this training you will begin to develop your body to take strikes.
Lesson 1
Bone Conditioning Pinky Side Of The Forearm
Lesson 2
Bone Conditioning Inside Forearm
Lesson 3
Bone Conditioning The Shin
Lesson 4
Bone Conditioning The Thighs
Lesson 5
Bone Conditioning Inside Thighs
Lesson 6
Bone Conditioning Behind The Thighs
Lesson 7
Conditioning The Lower Abs
Lesson 8
Body Conditioning The Solar Plexus
Lesson 9
Bone Conditioning | The Xiphoid Process
Lesson 10
Bone Conditioning | Tricep & Bicep
Lesson 11
Bone Conditioning The Chest
Lesson 12
Body Conditioning Palm Striking
Lesson 13
Bone Conditioning | The Collar Bone
Lesson 14
Bone Conditioning Chest Pounding
Lesson 15
Bone Conditioning The Ribs
Lesson 16
C.O.R.E Training | Forearm Striking Conditioning
Lesson 17
Bone conditioning Knuckle Bump
C.O.R.E. Training Course Curriculum
C.O.R.E. (Combat, Offense, Reflex and Energy) Training
Conditioning Our Reflexive Energy There are two points in our body that gives us speed and power. Training focuses on primarily developing stabilizing muscles and tendons.
Although muscle can be used, it cannot be stimulated without resistance. This means that we cannot summon them without oppositional force.
Only through our tendons can we call them at will. Through isolation and control we can develop our body to increase not just speed and power, but endurance and control as well.
There are three points in our body we focus on to achieve this goal.