Women’s Self Defense – It’s Not What You Think
Being the father of 2 daughters in the back of my mind I am always worried about their safety. Especially when they start to go out into the world on their own. One of the most common situations a woman would need to know how to defend herself is rape.
You would think that by staying out of dark alleys and carrying pepper spray or mace you would be able to beat the odds… However, statistically more women are rapped by someone they know. In many cases it has happened in their own home.
I have heard many different methods suggested for women’s self defense, like for example… One woman’s clinic in our local area was teaching women to allow a rapist to rape them (yes, you read that right), as it was ‘safer’ than attacking the aggressor.
Thankfully, the woman who shared this with us realized that this is not a good self defense method and we were able to help provide her with real solutions.
While this is an extreme case of what not to do when teaching women’s self defense… It’s sadly not the only bad advice we have heard about or witnessed on YouTube.
The other problem with many self defense classes is they teach that you can learn how to defend yourself over the weekend. Yes, you can learn some skills, however to hone those skills, you will need to do more than take a class or two. You will also need to practice on a regular basis and here is why…
Adrenaline is either your ally or your enemy. The best way for a woman to truly defend herself is to learn the skill sets that eliminate strength as being a factor. This can be accomplished through solid principles, practice and applications... Much like the ones taught via the Ngo Dac Na System.
If you haven’t checked out our free ebook, click here to get it now.
Women’s Self Defense – The Facts Are Scary
While it is possible to be attacked by a stranger from everything I have read it’s not the stranger a woman really needs to be ready for. It’s the person they know. Date rape happens all the time, unfortunately. I am not sure how qualified I am to talk about all aspects of women’s self defense, but here is a good starting point for those of you interested in studying this in more detail.
We started looking on YouTube at women’s self defense videos, we quickly realized that many of the applications taught on YouTube are not realistically applicable. Because either they are reliant on strength or they are unrealistic situations.
That’s not to say that there aren’t good women’s self-defense videos, it’s just there really aren’t that many. We have important girls and women in our lives. We at Enter Shaolin, feel it’s extremely important to teach techniques that can be easily learned and are universally effective. We feel so strongly about the importance of good woman’s self defense that we are dedicating an entire category in our site to women’s self-defense.
Free Self-Defense Techniques To Get You Started
We put together 4 videos that teach how to get out of common situations a woman may find herself in. Watch these videos, if you would like a more in-depth study of our methods, join our family by clicking here.
If you haven’t checked out our free ebook, click here to get it now.
P.S. Jamie who you seen in the video just started training when we created this first video. In each video, she had no idea what she was going to be taught that day.
As you can see, it is possible to be a newbie and learn relatively fast. Just remember to keep practicing, so if you are ever in one of these situations you will instinctively defend yourself properly.
Roger N says
I have three grown sons two granddaughters and two grandsons. Of course I’m also worried about the girls safety and hope to share what I’ve learned from these videos. They are a joy, my world. Wing Chun is perfect for them. Mahalo once again. Keep up the good work and be blessed