Hey Family! It has been a rough but interesting week here at Enter Shaolin!
I’ve been doing my best to outsource our graphic needs for our t-shirts and other apparel to get out to you, however it has been like pulling teeth to get simple changes made to an already done graphic. As a graphic designer, I am quite perplexed at the insanity we have been running into with these graphics.
Professional services not being able to back their stuff up with quality designers, to services winning awards going sorry that’s too complex, to a local artist mysteriously losing the originals of work we paid for…
Where is that ethical, eye for detail type of person who can understand simple instructions? It doesn’t seem like too much to ask for, does it?
And that my dear friend is the plight of our clothing line. So months have passed and I’ve been left shaking my head and sighing more times than I care to count. So what does this mean… No clothing? No, it just means I should have found the time to just do the changes myself. Because outsourcing it took many more hours left with nothing to show for and when all is said and done I am still have to find the time to get it done myself.
Lesson learned.
While I know there are fabulous intuitive graphic designers and illustrators somewhere in this world… We are sadly not finding them. So until then, I will continue to fill that space until we can find someone who fits that description and can fill those shoes. Perhaps it’s time to contact professionals like logo design florida.
So hold on tight and thank you for your patience! I will update you once I’ve got the graphics completed and also tested out the printing of the printing company for the apparel. 🙂
Moral of the story… If you are dreading doing something, simply because you don’t want to… You probably need to just get over yourself and do it anyways.
I think that same lesson can be applied to exercising and training consistently. What do you think?
Other than that I got to take my daughter kayaking for the first time. I will share more about that in my next training post which will be out next week. 🙂
As a thank you for your patience on the clothing, we decided to issue another bonus training we are selling as Video On Demand for non-members. You are really going to love this training. Sifu shares some simple techniques that produce huge results called face locks. It may appear like he isn’t doing much, however Sifu Larry did these techniques on me after we filmed…
And let’s just say you don’t want either of them chin, cheek, eyes, or forehead locking you ever. Especially if they actually were trying to hurt you, because the nice ones really hurt! I told Larry we should have filmed him doing that to me, as it really demonstrates the pain for someone not use to these types of locks.
If you think we should film me being face locked by Sifu Larry… Let me know in the comments below! 😉
Now on to your training…
Here’s Your New Enter Shaolin Training:
Ground Fighting
Ngo Dac Na
*Bonus Training
Blessings & Happy Training,
Jamie Pelaez
& The Enter Shaolin Family
P.S. Don’t forget to join us tonight for The Complete Wing Chun Sil Lum Tao Breakdown Part 6, click here to find out more.
P.P.S. You know I love ya’ll when I am offering to be re-face locked for your viewing pleasure! 😉
In regards to clothing: Try freelancing.com. You can post what you need done and how much you are willing to pay. People with skills will respond from around the world. You can even open it up to competitive bidding.
Hey Chris, thank you brother. We know about freelancing.com and elance.com etc. Unfortunately we are tapped out on this project with nothing to show. So I will have to complete it myself. Thank you for the suggestion though! 🙂
Take one (or 5) for the family Jamie=) Looking forward to your next training post=)
LOL! Thank you brother!