There Are Only 2 Types Of Motion In The Universe
Understand that when you are learning martial arts online you also need to understand the principles and theories behind the techniques. In this video, Sifu Phu Ngo is going to teach you how to combine linear motions and circular motions the result is creating a spiral motion.
In every movement you do, you must find your arc. The reason why you need an arc behind your drive is that it’s the arc that gets rid of pressure.
You don’t want to create movements where your force is going directly against your opponent’s force. Because if your opponent is bigger and stronger than you and you go against their force they will be able to overcome you.
In our martial arts online training, we never teach our students to use force against force. We always teach them to develop their skill because it is their skill that will overcome someone’s strength.
If you have any questions or comments about the video, please leave them below in the comments section. Developing Your Martial Arts Online
We get asked all the time if it’s really possible to learn martial arts online? While it can be challenging there are many aspects of martial art training that can be done solo.
For instance: You can train muscle memory alone, you can also train your athleticism alone. You can even develop your Qi alone. What you can’t do alone is work against a resisting partner.
When you learn martial arts locally taking public classes, you are mostly working with another student not the teacher. If it’s a really big class, you might not even touch with the instructor at all.
My point is there is a lot you can learn online. If you can follow instructions and you have a friend or family member who is willing to train with you, you can develop the skill you need to defend yourself in hand to hand combative situation.
After all, unless you plan on fighting other martial artist in the ring… Some training and some knowledge is better than no training and no knowledge isn’t it?
Ideally it is always a good idea to look for instruction locally. Martial arts online training is a viable solution for someone who is specifically looking to learn something that is not available to them locally.
If you are sincere about your training, it will become a lifestyle and you will be doing it for the rest of your life.
There is a saying:
When The Student Is Ready The Teacher Appears
When is a good time to start having peace of mind knowing that you can defend yourself should you have to? We live in an age when information travels faster than a blink of an eye. There use to be a time when it was almost impossible to learn effective martial arts for most.
We really tried for a long time to bend Sifu Phu’s arm to get him to share his knowledge with you online. I say try because every time we tried to bend his arm he just channeled the energy back at us! 😉
We are happy he decided to finally share his family style of martial arts Ngo Dac Na with us and you. We want to teach you how to use your opponents energy and turn it against them.
Robet says
I had cervical spine surgery (c 3 to c7). How can I lengthen the ligaments in my shoulders which will enable me to perform the movements properly. Thank you in advance for your assistance.
Enter Shaolin Support says
Practicing Qigong can help you.
Ungku hashim says
Thanks for sharing and demonstrating the arc usage.
Difficult to comprehend but easily applied with spiral motion.
Larry Rivera says
Your welcome! We are glad you enjoyed it.
Rigo says
Awesome techniques to learn. Little things makes a big difference.
Sifu Phu Ngo says
Hi Rigo, yes it does. And positive energy give positive results, negative energy gives negative results. Glad you liked it.
Arthur says
First of all, I didn’t understood something you were saying “There are only two types of motion in the Universe : straight lines and [???]”
English is not my mother tongue and I could not heard the word.
After many years stop, I’ve taken back the training.
I was 100% into straight lines and found myself becoming more and more aggressive and worried; less peaceful, then I met a man, practicing the Way for years and he spoke to me about spirals and how they can heal my energy and benefit in my everyday Gong-Fu.
Your video has enlightened a lot of my thoughts and I see a little bit clearer, but I still like very much the straight line for its effectiveness in an “aggressive” move.
In life, I’m being unbalanced and I believe working so much straight movement have locked my mind so I was thinking about working spirals to find balance, would mixing both spirals and straight movements help me achieve balance in my Gong-Fu/life ?
Would it be profitable to mix both in each of my moves ?
For example : parrying a hook punch with my left hand, making an arc, and at the same time punching in a straight-motion, in the idea of parry-attack in one rhythm.
Do you think it would be interesting energetically and martially to do so ?
I believe so, but I wanted the advice of somebody much more experienced, for I am nothing but a small bird.
May you be blessed,
Larry Rivera says
Hi Arthur, the 3 words you will hear discussed on the subject are: Straight lines, spirals and arcs.
As far as application, depending on what the energy is telling you to do you would then choose to use one of the above mentions directions.
Straight lines = Quickest way from point A to point B. Generally used for striking
Spirals = Creates forward energy
Arcs = Sends energy back to your opponent
Hope that helps.
Arthur says
Thank you very much.
Larry Rivera says
You’re welcome!