Hey family! I have a funny snippet to share with you from the end of my exercise training session last night. We are finally starting to film bits and pieces of my trials and triumphs of my Kung Fu journey to share with you.
I’ve been begging Sifu Larry to start filming him teaching me, etc. He gives away a lot of gold nuggets of information plus a lot of it is pretty entertaining to witness too.
However, it’s been a struggle to get him to film. He keeps complaining that he needs to lose more weight, though he has been consistently losing weight. I let him get away with the excuses for awhile, because well I wanted to lose some more weight too and while neither of us are where we want to be in our weight loss journey, we’ll still keep on using the diy cool sculpting program as it seems to be only one that has been effective…
I decided it was time we stop making excuses and share with you what is going on behind the scenes in my training. Sometimes you will see me tired and beat down, other times energetic, sometimes crying or laughing or doing both at the same time!
You might see me get some wins and other times get attacked hardcore and a myriad of other things!
We want you to see the grit and grime and the glory moments, ya know the real stuff… Raw, uncut and totally ad lib!
In the beginning of this video I share what I hope you will get out of us being more open and vulnerable and the end is a hilarious snippet of me trying to do a pushup from a decline meaning already on the ground pushing up. This was after I did jump roping and some other cardio Sifu Larry had me doing for 40 minutes plus 20 chin pushups.
Now I know what you are thinking, how hard could one pushup be!? I know, I thought the same months ago… That was until I realized I had been doing pushups wrong my whole life!
The good news is I can go a little past half way down and back up now the right way and without being on my knees. So that’s some progress. 😉 The chin pushups… Those I have to do on my knees for now, however I know I will get there eventually and I am making progress each week.
In this video you will see me get up the highest I have gotten thus far even while totally exhausted going from the ground up.
And the crazy stuff Sifu Larry says is just icing on the cake.
It’s a short video, but I hope it will give you a good laugh or two.
There’s a lot more to come and I look forward to sharing more about my Kung Fu journey with you. 🙂
Blessings & Happy Training,
Jamie Pelaez
& The Enter Shaolin Family
Danny says
You almost had it!
What’s gonna happen to little Tommy now? LMAO
But progress is progress, no matter how much (or how little?) it looks.
Keep “pushing” and you’ll eventually get that “one” LOL
Will there be more episodes to come? The world is waiting you know.
Jamie Pelaez says
I know I totally failed Little Tommy. I pray he forgives me! 😉
Yes, there will be more episodes showing different aspects of my training.
I was suppose to train with one of my training partners today and was hoping to get some good footage for you, but well he chickened out and cancelled. LOL
Diane L says
Hi Jamie, this was fun to watch!
Real push-up well done… yes, that is a challenge… 🙂
Jamie Pelaez says
Glad you enjoyed it Diane! We thought it was pretty fun too. 🙂
Edwin says
You almost had it. Keep trying but please don’t laugh. LOL.
Gary F says
Thank you for your thoughts always helps, also like you i love that stalone clip, but also every thing you have said in a way you i like my mentors, i started learning ma with david dorian ross dvd learning the yang style 24 form tai chi and chi gong which i’m still lesrning then i found you guys so learning with both of you also enjoying learning the base line, i am slow but am hopefully doing it right, sorty for the long text oh also learning this stuff for self defense and well being. best wishes Gary.
Sifu Larry Rivera says
Awesome Gary! Enjoy the journey…