I’m sure you have been wondering… (I know I was!) What does Ngo Dac Na mean, does it have an English translation?
Well, you and I are not alone! Because one of our Enter Shaolin fans Jacob Fisher was wondering the same thing!
If you have read our free Ngo Dac Na ebook here, then you already know the system principles come from Sifu Phu’s training from his Grandfather. And you probably have a pretty good guestimate (yes, totally made up word) as to what it means.
Instead of guessing and wondering, we can simply know right here right now the meaning behind the name Ngo Dac Na…
Simply Watch This Video To Learn What Ngo Dac Na Means:
Okay, be honest… Was your guess (or guestimate) of what Ngo Dac Na means close? Was it right? Or was it waaaaaay off? If it was way off, does the name meaning make sense with how the system principles flow? I think so… However, I want to know your opinion! So comment below and let me know either way!
I think it completely fits the principles we teach here at Enter Shaolin and for me it is those principles I was looking for, for so long!
Ngo = Power(ful) Dac = (A family middle name, we are still unsure of the meaning!) Na = Control
(Update 8/21/2018)
I did some research and Dac by itself in Vietnamese means compact, consistent, concrete or deposit.
A few of these could definitely fit the bill, for instance, our movements are compact, we don’t like to waste energy or make big movements that easily telegraph our intentions. We also preach being consistent in training. We want these principles to be second nature to you, so if/when you need them, they just work. What we do is concrete, meaning it is proven and foolproof based on realities and substance.
So Ngo Dac Na is powerful compact/consistent/concrete control.
Stay blessed family,
Jamie Pelaez
& The Enter Shaolin Family
P.S. If you haven’t read Sifu’s ebook yet… You can get the basics on our Kung Fu family principles right here. (Members you already have access to this in the NDN Intro section.)
Danny Lo says
Ah, so Na as in Chinese Chin Na?
And Dac is the vietnam family name, right?
Then Ngo is from which language?
Jamie Pelaez says
Hey Danny sorry I am just seeing this… 🙁
Ngo is the family name and is Vietnamese, it means power.
Dac is the middle name of their family, still haven’t been able to find out what this word means on its own. Though some combined words with Dac mean specialty or acquired knowledge like with Dac Kien.
Na means to control, which makes sense to associated it with Chin Na.
Antoine Phong Duong says
The middle name, if it’s Vietnamese, I believe it’s written as Đắc and it means get, obtain, gain, or win. And example would be ‘Đắc Nhân Tâm’, or ‘Gain People’s heart’, and translation of the book “How to Win Friends and Influence People.” A more common word is “được” which has the same meaning but đắc is more formal in written language.
Thanks for your lessons and knowledge.
Jacob Fisher says
Thank you Sifu! And Jamie for making me famous! 😉 I was fairly sure Ngo was from your Family name but the Dac Na part I was clueless. I did read the eBook and was familiar with where and who of the system, but other languages always spark my curiosity if they really have a proper English translation or not.
Thanks again!
Jamie Pelaez says
Ha! You are welcome Jacob! I love learning languages as well.
Zed Wagner says
Here is a thought.
Its not a new one.
Martial arts are a type of language.
The inter play of violence and poetry.
I see you have the character “Wu” on a scroll behind you up on the wall..
In Japan it is called “Bu”, and in Korea it is called “Mu or Moo”
It often is translated as “Martial, or Military”
In Chinese, it literally depicts the breaking of a warspear.
A metaphor for overcoming violence to restore peace.
In latin, the word Pax is the root of the English word preace.
It means the end of conflict by means of a decisive and complete victory.
This is the best that man can provide for himself. Until the underlying problem within the heart of man is fixed, there will be conflict. Some conflicts can be resolved with higher language.
Other conflicts may require a different way of talking.
A fight is simply a verbal argument moved down from the mental into the phisical.
In the bible there is a beautiful prophecy.
It says a day will come when the earth is filled with the knowledge of God, and nations will no longer train for war.
Men will beat their swords into plow blades, and their spears into pruning hook and we will learn war no more forever.
Alan says
I thought it might have been. to control energy
John says
Every time I see an offer for membership at the lower price, I’m very tempted. I have to refrain at this time, however.
This system seems perfect for me, since I have rheumatoid arthritis in most of my joints. I can make a fist only with my dominant hand (finger joints are frozen on my non-dominant hand), so the open hand techniques have been particularly appealing. Sorry I can’t join at this time, and if things (finances) change for the better, I will join.
Jamie Pelaez says
Hey John, no worries, we will be here when you are ready!
In the meantime please enjoy the free lessons we put out and keep us posted on how we can help you. 🙂
Jai Forf says
Really neat concepts all around. But I just had to say that Jamie is so cute and charming!!! Sorry, just had to say it. Just a compliment that’s all. Great stuff guys.
Jamie Pelaez says
Why thank you Jai! That was a great comment to read to start my work day. 🙂 Blessings to you and yours!
Jai Ford says
Oh good. Thanks Jamie! And you have a great day too!
Doug Pritchard says
Hi my name is Doug do you have any DVDs on training and training on the wooden dummy
Jamie Pelaez says
Hey Doug, we do not have any DVDs yet, though we plan on having them late 2016 early 2017.
However, we do have the complete jong training inside our membership, you can learn more here: stage.entershaolin.com/join
Pierre77L says
It is a system of energy for all styles . It is not by achieving high level of greatness. But what is also the snapping fist which I saw a old video clip from Wong Sheun Leong that is a uniqueness in Wing Chun? Is is that when we hit a target hard with our fist then we relax the hand after hitting it? Does it improve faster punches?
Larry Rivera says
Your ability to stay relaxed while punching will make your punches faster. The snapping injects the energy into your opponent. I tell my students to hit soft and not hard because mentally if you are thinking hard you are more likely to be hitting stiff. Does that make sense?
anonymous says
Hmm..Watched couple of videos, and Phu talked about the punch techniques which I realized it is similar to Ngo Cho Kun, it might be same meaning, although it happens to be Vietnamese. Ngo is a pronunciation of “Five” in Minan Dialect which is the language Chua Giok Beng spoke, or I speak :P. By the way, where are you guys located?
Jamie Pelaez says
Hey there! Here is the meaning Ngo Dac Na: https://entershaolin.com/sifus-corner-what-does-ngo-dac-na-mean-in-english/
We are located in Glassboro and Williamstown, NJ.
Rowland says
Hello with my name is rowland…hope u are well
How can I strengthen my tendons…and should I do it to gain more power?
Larry Rivera says
How Rowland, inside our membership we have a section called C.O.R.E. Training in that section we cover a ton of training on strengthening tendons…