The morning was Sept 11, 2001 it was my day off from work and was eating some cereal I think watching Wonder Years. I got a phone call from a friend of mine who was in college and told me to turn on the news.
I remember I was standing up and what I saw on the TV stunned me. The Twin Towers where burning. I have family that lives in New York at the time right near the towers. My first thought was I hope my family is okay and then 1 of the towers came crashing down.
It was the first time in my life where I literally started tearing up and ran heavy with emotion. The last time American soil was attacked like that was Pearl Harbor. That was before my time.
While I was on the phone with my friend he murmured something about joining the military. I was 26 at the time and recently married. While I also felt the need to join the military and do something about what just happened I also had other obligations at the time.
My world changed that day. The peace I have known most of my life was gone. What was left was a feeling of anger. I couldn’t believe that our enemies came after us that way.
Even now my thoughts go out to the families of the people that perished that day. My heart goes out to the survivors and early responders who were there that day. Some of them are still suffering today with things like cancer from the particles that fell from the skyscrapers.
Something amazing happened though. For the first time in my memory, the entire country came together and we where all American Patriots. United together for our country for our brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, neighbors, etc..
Today, as I reflect on the past I think of the present. Here at Enter Shaolin we stand for righteousness. We stand for freedom, we stand for equality because together we are stronger and can accomplish more for the greater good.
Where were you when the towers came down?
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Talk To You Soon!
Sifu Larry Rivera
& The Enter Shaolin Family
P.S. I will be removing this video next week. I have it up temporarily for our Intro Members…
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