Hello my awesome Enter Shaolin familia! How are you this week? I pray you have chosen to give each day your best and have chosen to make each day a great one.
Today is a great day, because if you are reading this, then you still have a pulse, you still have breath and that means you still have freewill and opportunities to grow and be more. If that isn’t great and a reason to celebrate, I don’t know what is! 😉
In the United States of America, it is Inauguration day of our 45th President Donald J. Trump. I bring this up, because it is a great example of what I am about to share with you my dear friends and family.
This week there has been an unprecedented amount of people letting the smallest things ruin their day and get under their skin big time. I have had conversations with friends, family, fans, strangers, etc. and there has been this constant stream of what I like to call stinking thinking and that woah is me mentality.
People letting ‘life’ not just get in their way for a day, but letting it railroad them for days on end and in some cases letting one person’s comments ruin their whole day and so on.
In this life we always have options. Primarily those options are based on our freewill to not just act but to also think.
No one can control what we choose to think or act out except us. You can’t even be hypnotized unless you allow yourself to be, nor can you be commanded to do something that you would morally object to if you weren’t under hypnosis… Which means you can’t be brainwashed unless you allow yourself to be. So, if you’re a smoker looking to quit smoking, you must first resolve that you’d genuinely want to quit before you take up hypnosis to quit smoking.
The point is we can choose how our day will be or rather how we will show up in our day and how we will react to whatever comes our way in each moment.
It is such a simple concept, yet so many will try to fight this tooth and nail. There are some people that just think they have to choose to suffer, feel bad, be depressed, etc.
But the mind is a beautiful thing, and if you choose, it can be a tool that helps you bring more joy to your life or it could bring you more pain. The choice is always yours.

“Heart and mind overcome all.” – Dan Henderson
I often think of a stories of triumph in the Scriptures whether the Torah, Bible, Quran, etc. and throughout history of people that have been through a lot of trials and tribulations and chose to find the good and chose to do their best despite what seemed like a bleak and impossible situation.
But then there are examples on the flip side where people gave up and were mentally and physically defeated.
The ones that chose to look at their grim experience in a different light came out victorious in one way or another and the others not so much.
Of course having a positive outlook doesn’t mean you will make it out alive in all cases or that you will be handsomely rewarded all the time… However, there is one thing I can promise you, and that is that you will suffer a whole lot less in this life and in any situation when you choose to find the good and make the best of the moment.
No one can have power over you and your mind unless you allow them to. You can choose the media, the content and the people you surround yourself with. Don’t like the outcome, the scenery? Change it or change the way you think about it. Things don’t have to stay the same and you don’t have to choose to suffer. You could use your experiences as a way to thrive, to connect with others you might not once before. Again, the choice is always yours.

“Some people are lost in their fires, while others are forged in them.” -Unknown
Today, here in America as well as around the World, there are people that are super excited about our new President Donald J. Trump, while others are scared, worried, angry and/or depressed. Indeed there is a great contrast in what many are thinking and feeling today, but what I love most is seeing those whose candidate did not win or the one’s overseas that were hoping for someone else to win coming through in a positive and loving manor.
They could choose to wallow in defeat, but instead some are choosing to paint a new picture of victory.
While there are many that are letting their perceived loss get the best of them, fighting, hating, ending relationships with friends and family members, etc., etc. There are just as many choosing to hold a place of love, to hope for the best, to wish our new President the best and so on.
What makes these two groups different? It’s all in their mindset and choosing to hope and pray for the best, instead of wishing death and gloom they are wishing growth and life!
What do you think will happen to the group that is thinking and feeling negatively? Do you think they will bring more prosperity and happiness in their life or more of the very thing they fear?
What about those choosing to see the silver lining and make the best out of the situation, will they bring more prosperity and happiness into their life and to their fellow brothers and sisters with this outlook?
Indeed in both cases they will attract more of what they want in their lives. Our thoughts and words are powerful, indeed they can speak life and death which indeed creates life and death.
What you think about, dwell on and take action on is what you will attract in your life.
So why not choose a narrative that brings more peace, love, understanding and help to the world?
We are all in this wild ride together! While we can’t control others, we can indeed decide how we are going to show up in this world each and every day, each and every moment.
Our freewill is our greatest gift, weakness and super power. How will you choose to use it?
Me? I choose to use it for the greater good, to shine my light brighter and to extend more hope, peace, grace and love.
I’m far from perfect, but I am becoming a greater and greater self-correcter and I hope this week’s message blesses you immensely and those that you know too.
Don’t just sit on this, if this message resonates with you, comment on it and share the love! We look forward to hearing from you. 🙂
Now on to your training…
Here’s What’s New In The Training Hall:
ACCESS LEVEL: Junior, Senior and Abbot
Wing Chun
NDN Seminars
(ACCESS LEVEL: Lite, Junior, Senior and Abbot)
Stay Blessed & Happy Training,
Jamie Pelaez
& The Enter Shaolin Family
Great update, Jamie!
Since I can only control myself, I try not to criticize and judge things that are out of my control. It only makes me agitated and minimizes my internal power. Instead I focus on my “three foot circle” of family and friends that I can love and support.
You know what they say: Don’t sweat the petty stuff, just pet the sweaty stuff! 🙂
Love you guys!
Thank you Patti, I love your philosophy and indeed when we worry or are concerned about others and things we cannot control, it definitely minimizes our internal power.
Blessings and love to you and yours! XOXO
Hi guy’s just a quick message in regards to your site of Enter Shaolin.
I do love this type of martial Arts and have also told a close friend of mine about it.
At the moment we a just trying to decide if we can do this well and learn the basic principle has beginners, even vow I have done martial arts in my younger life.
Also due to having a Ileostomy have some concerns of my health, but saying that I spend half and hour on my total gym, and another 20 min on my punching bob dummy.
we have been practicing Sifu punching technique but really not sure if we a doing this write.
That properly why I haven’t committed to really joining at the moment, we love you guy’s and feel you a the real deal for teaching and its just hard to know what to really do first, even though we love the video’s we have watched.
There’s lots more I could say but you guy’s are a long way from Australia and this can make it difficult.
I think if we continue to practice a little at a time and just try to master power punching, or any of the other videos we have seen, and we are still trying our best, mainly for our health and because I have always like martial Arts, then it would be worth joining.
Regards and god bless you all.
Stephen De Carlo and friend Paul.
Hey brother Stephen! Thank you for sharing Enter Shaolin with others, we greatly appreciate you spreading the word!
Our site is definitely suited to help beginners as well as grow with you through the years. I would highly recommend primarily focusing on the Ngo Dac Na 101 course we have and when you have time for more training, pull the lessons from the Training Hall for extra.
The free videos you are watching are great, but if you want to get the full lessons and full lesson plans which would help you understand if you are doing things right or not, I highly recommend joining.
Also, the Qigong, Tai Chi and C.O.R.E. training will help you greatly in improving your health and energy.
Hope the above helps you, if you have any more questions, just let us know. Blessings to you and yours!
As always, your messages of the power of the positive (not just thought, but of actions also) are inspirational and uplifting. Thank you VERY much for choosing to share a good message with all who read your blog.
Best wishes to you and the entire NDN team as you go through your day,
Sempai Brent Duncan – Kyo-Jitsu
Thank you so much for your kind and inspirational words, Brent! 🙂
I have shared your words with the rest of the family. We all greatly appreciate your support!
Blessings to you and yours.
Amen Jamie!!
After a few tragedies over the last few weeks, your words really hit home. It’s all about seeing each day as a gift and making the most out of each one.
Just gotta say NO to the pushers of negative.
Thanks for the post!
Hey Wynn! So good to see you on the blog. 🙂
I am honored that my words came to you just at the right time. I pray they bless you through your personal tragedies and help you come out not just alive but thriving.
Just say no to not only the pushers of negative, but also those pesky negative media messages and thoughts. You got this Wynn!
We are standing with you in prayer and love. Blessings!
Great post Jamie! Very inspiring!
Thank you so much Russell, I am glad you enjoyed it! 🙂
Great message, Jamie!! Refreshing for some; possibly awakening for others! Everyone has a choice. Just because we were told/shown how to act, or react, to a situation/person, it doesn’t mean we need to. Love and forgive. If everyone practiced this consistently (and diligently like we do our kung fu), the world, and civilization, would be amazing. Namaste!
Namaste brother! And yes, how amazing the world would be if we practiced that one simple thing consistently. <3