Hey family, how are you? We hope you have made it an awesome week! Both Sifu Larry and myself have sick family members due to the off and on weather and a lot of sick kids going to school.
Thankfully, they are all resting well and on the healing path to recovery! Proper rest, herbs and nutrition are all to thank for that!
And while we both have a had a headache all today our immune systems are not backing down gratefully!
I believe this has a little something to do with the fact we exercise on a regular basis, our food choices, as well as having gotten back on our 5 days a week bare minimum Qigong and Tai Chi training! Whoop!
It’s been a wild crazy year here at Enter Shaolin. It’s been a roller coaster to say the least.
We have hit some of our goals and others came with obstacles unexpected! In all cases we have persevered on.
Our biggest obstacles have been time and funding. This always seems to be the obstacles we face in one way or another. It’s also the two main reasons people quit on their dreams.
It’s the two main reasons people quit Enter Shaolin. Since we’ve begun we have had maybe 5 people say that Enter Shaolin isn’t what they are looking for, 3 of those people tried to steal our content and then ask for a refund…
Back to my point, it saddens me to see so many people struggling with these two obstacles: time and/or money.
Gratefully being a single mom who was once in an abusive marriage has caused me to pinch pennies to the core and find ways to find more time. I’m not perfect, but I have learned a lot along the way through my journey that I know can help people. Maybe you or someone you love?
I always have thought if my life lessons, even the hard ones could help one human being, they were absolutely worth it, tears, pain and all!
Over the next few weeks I am going to be giving you insight on how we are overcoming these two challenge areas of time and funds to grow Enter Shaolin bigger and better and how we are balancing that out with creating habits in our personal & business lives to fuel the passion to drive it all home!
While we are going through our own refinement and improvement processes, not only will I be sharing them, I will also be creating guides that further drill these thought processes down to help whomever is interested. I am determined to eliminate the time and/or money excuses for all.
When we created Enter Shaolin we knew we wanted it to be your home away from home. A place that you could grow and feel comfortable in your own skin.
After all Kung Fu is everything and everything is Kung Fu! Just like Sifu Phu Ngo’s Ngo Dac Na system is a system of principles that help us move better throughout our lives, the things I will be sharing with you in these coming weeks, if applied can be used to help you propel your life in whatever areas you want to grow.

“Kung fu lives in everything we do. It lives in how we put on a jacket and how we take off a jacket. It lives in how we treat people. Everything is kung fu.” – Jackie Chan via The Karate Kid 2010
We hope you enjoy us sharing more about what is going on behind the scenes and our proverbial lifehacks along the way. It’s our greatest passion to help you move through your life with more ease.
Here are 5 ways we are overcoming time obstacles:
1. I got an accountability partner. Which made my previous one jealous and causing them to step up their game! (So, now I have 2 accountability partners, the more the merrier!)
- I came up with 3 things I wanted to accomplish this month on a consistent basis, to create the habit. I wanted to add more, but 3 really is obtainable and doable. (I will add 3 more things in next month).
- My partner came up with 3 as well, so we can hold each other accountable.
- We check in at our wake up times via text messages and again later in the day via Facebook.
- We make sure to give some words of inspiration or encouragement to each other.
2. We have been waking up earlier to have more time to get what is important done.
- Like fitting in daily Qigong and Tai Chi! I’ve found by doing this, I can wake up earlier without wanting to go back to sleep. Halleluyah! And in general, I feel ready to take on whatever may come!
- Sending inspirational, motivational and messages of gratitude out to people via text message and social media. It’s been great to see how many people it has been helping start their day off on a positive note and truly gives me joy which fuels me to keep going!
- Getting some time to read and expand my knowledge has been fabulous. It’s something I have been missing having back in my schedule regularly.
3. I have been removing negativity and things that do not serve the greater good from my day to day life.
- For instance I have been cleaning house on email subscriptions that do not interest where I am at in my life today therefor decluttering my inbox and saving me time.
- Creating healthy boundaries in all relationships and cutting ties where necessary (another time saver).
- Decluttering my personal space and only keeping things I love, enjoy and are functional to my goals (saves time, makes more space and just feels good). Some of this I have is being given to others I am selling to save up for some personal goals.
- Being mindful of my thoughts and holding my accountability partners and those close to me accountable for their thoughts and reframing negative thoughts into positive ones. The less negativity, the less weighing me down mentally, the more productive I am.
4. Getting a clearer vision on what we are going to accomplish 2017 quarter by quarter.
- Creating a vision board (also known as dream board), one for my business goals and another for my personal. So I can remind myself visual daily of why I am alive and ready to take on whatever the day holds. And so, I can envision myself already there, what that looks like and feels like.
- Chunking out those visions individually to create my plan and steps to achieve said goals. (More on chunking in another post soon.)
- Masterminding with respected peers with similar goals to come up with more creative solutions.
5. Creating a schedule that flows with both personal and business goals.
- The chunking process helps define clearly what I must find the time for. Notice I said, “find the time.” I say this, because often we can find the time, if we deem it important enough to. Rarely does a person truly not have enough time.
- Creating a balance between health and wellness both personally and with business. Hiring professionals like a business plan writer would lessen the weight on your shoulders in establishing your business.
- Giving leeway for flexibility as things happen sometimes and extending grace when it does. 😉
- Creating morning and evening rituals to awaken my purpose each morning and help put my mind to rest for optimal healing and repair in the evening.
- Finding scheduling/planning tools that work for me that I’ll stick to using… Like Google Calendar, a wall calendar and setting reminders on my phone along with a personal planner to keep it all in check. (A combination of online and offline tools help me to stick to my plans and stay organized whenever do what works for you!)
- Creating daily checklists to help me check off things throughout the day, stay on task and easily see what may not have gotten done that needs to be moved to another day. I love planners that include these or having a favorite notebook for keeping this, but also enjoy using Google Keep for this which can be used online or via mobile app and is great for collaborating and more as well, click here for a guide to Google Keep (works on Android, Iphone & Web).
What about you?
- What are 3 things you want to work on right now, that you have been neglecting?
- What tools are you using to hold yourself accountable and find more time?
Write to me in the comments section, we love hearing from you!
Now on to your training…
Here’s What’s New In The Training Hall:
ACCESS LEVEL: Junior, Senior and Abbot
Wing Chun
Tai Chi
Ngo Dac Na
Exclusive Abbot Training
Be Blessed & Happy Training,
Jamie Pelaez
& The Enter Shaolin Family
Man thats what we need God is good lots of info. On the life of a kung fu teacher and learner.????????✌
Thank you brother Sifu Moss! And yes, God is good, all the time!!! 🙂 I am honored by your words, blessings brother!
Do not worry about those who quit, people have many different reasons, often they do not know them self enough and are looking for some fulfillment in life…keep trying different things…
Time and money: shortly to save money try to buy what you really need, and save on things which are not priority, there is a saying: that it is not how much you make, but how much you spend makes you rich or poor…
About time my father alway was saying that TV is the biggest robber of the time, today also surfing internet, or simple laziness.. It is all about our mindset, priorities we create in our life, for what is the most important we will find time and money to achieve our goals…
Greetings to all.
Hey brother Witalis! Oh no worries, we know it’s the nature of the business people come and go. Thankfully more stay than not. But as a person that has worked in several different industries, it’s sad to see how many people let money and or time keep them from their goals. So, as a person that has been able to overcome those obstacles in various ways, I feel it is my duty to help as many people as I can. 🙂
Absolutely, I can find almost anyone more money just by looking at their spending habits. It definitely isn’t about how much you make, but how you budget and what you make priorities. And there are so many ways to cut costs these days as well.
And yes!!! TV is a serious time synch and now we have the Internet and smartphones to add to those! It definitely is all a mindset and deciding what’s really important to you to achieve your goals.
Indeed we make time and find a way to do the things that matter to us. It is indeed a mindset. Blessings brother!
Jamie, We have much to learn from your philosophy of life. I joined as a lite member, and will never give up., and will always support and honor your tradition.
Thank you so much Wilbur! Your comments always brighten my day and remind me of why we do what we do here at Enter Shaolin! 🙂 Blessings to you always brother!
Hi Jamie, I look forward to the Fri. Post you guys put up. So Inspirational! My wife and I know all to well about struggles! Money is always at the head of the table for most. My wife is a Holistic cancer survivor! Yes i said Holistic! Cancer can be beat without chemo or radiation or any other chemical they wat to put in are body. I know its hard to hear for most people because we all know someone who has bin through the conventional treatments, or lost loved ones. Most people go the conventional route because conventional Drs. Dont believe are bodies can heal themselves, only by what drug they proscribed us, and insurance companies wont pay for any other treatments. Conventional Drs. Big pharma, and insurance companies are all in 1! NO MONEY IN THE CURE THE MONEY IS IN THE MEDICINE! So we had to pay out of pocket for her treatments witch put a real strain on are pockets. A year and a half later she is cancer free and healthier than ever! We look at life in a whole new way! Sorry for going off! I have to tell people at least once! ????
So the 3 things i am going to do now are getting in shape , start saving money to move to Colorado, and help as many people I can! As for tools to help me; Enter Shaolin, my knowledge of my health and nutrition, and a new 2017 schedule book to keep me on track ????. Thanks to all of you at Enter Shaolin for sharing your knowledge to better myself! God Bless!
Thank you so much brother Anthony! It makes us so happy and grateful to know you enjoy the weekly updates!
I am so happy to hear about your wife being a holistic cancer survivor, that is such a blessing! I know from my studies that cancer can definitely be beat that way and it is the best for the body of course! It really is sad the state of our medical treatments and how doctors cover up symptoms with meds causing more issues and never truly fixing or healing the cause.
Yup, they can’t patent nature, though they sure try to X it out in their own special ways sadly. I am sure it did put a strain on your pockets, but so glad you both were willing to make that sacrifice for the greater good!
Love your goals brother! Have you been using the C.O.R.E. training section of the training hall? Sifu will definitely get you in shape and most can be done at home with no equipment and things you already have. 🙂
What part of Colorado are you thinking of?
If you ever want to mastermind and get some ideas of how to share the awesome journey and knowledge you and your wife have come through, please let me know. It is Sifu Larry and I’s passion to help as many people as we can to be able to share their passion with the world. God bless you and yours too brother! 🙂
Talking about cancer, some people may find it interesting and helpful, I have heard about this doctor and his achievements many years ago and it is hard to believe that his struggle with the corrupt system still continues…
As usual Jamie, and especially since I’ve met you, you are a blessing and an inspiration to me. You are practicing Kung-Fu as a lifestyle, but interestingly, it’s your story and it’s authentic…your words help keep me on the path…Thankyou!
You are welcome brother and thank you so much too brother Gil! Your words have blessed me greatly and I am truly honored. Comments like this make all obstacles and overcoming them even more worth it! 🙂
Don’t worry about strange people who let, the World is full of them.
They Know what they left, but don’t what they’ll find.
You’re amazing the way you are guys!
A warm hug to the whole family from the south of Italy!
Thank you Donato, no worries we know some people will always let things get in their way. We just hope as we share more how we have overcome the same challenges in our lives that we can help some of them take their life by the reigns and do the things they say they want to do. 🙂
Warm hugs brother, both Sifu Larry and I have Italian in our family tree! His family is from Naples and I haven’y got mine fully pinned down yet, but it looks like Scilly is most likely the area. I will hopefully know more in the next several months. Blessings!
i have been a member for over a year now and wish to be able to practice more. i am a truck driver and we dont keep regular schedules as others , every day we sleep and work different hours. we work and drive for 11 to 14 hrs then sleep then wake up and jump back in the drivers seat. any suggestions would be helpful. Thank You
Hey brother! That certainly can be a tough schedule. Send me an email here: stage.entershaolin.com/contact, let me know if you have any days off on the average week, how many hours of sleep you would like to get optimally and any other responsibilities or things you would like to include in your daily life. Also do you normally eat out on the road, or do you pack meals to go? I already have some ideas, but want to get a better idea of what you deal with weekly. 🙂
One of the main things I do to fit in more training is taking the core principles in Ngo Dac Na and apply them from walking, driving, cooking, opening/closing doors, etc. even sitting here typing right now to you. So no matter what I am doing, I am getting training in. It really makes a huge difference, just being aware of the principles and making those self corrections throughout the day.
Well That is one brilliant piece of article :}
Thank You for that. It’s good to know that there are other people who struggle with time problems and even tho they do they still manage to achieve their goals.
Thank You !
You are welcome and thank you brother! As they say… When there is a will, there is a way! 🙂