Hey Enter Shaolin Family ! It’s been a busy week for us here. We have a few things to mention.
First we just opened up the Women’s Self Defense section. Of course with doing so, we ran into a slight snag.
Basically in order for us to create a new course means that we have to manually add each and everyone of you to the course.
Even as I type this update out for you, Jamie is banging her head against the table making sure you are all updated.
If for some crazy reason you don’t have access to the new course, let us know at support@entershaolin.com and we will activate you immediately.
We just added last months webinar replay. You can watch that here: Webinar Replay – Sil Lum Tao Full Break Down Part 2
Some of you expressed your desire to purchase a Rice Trainer Bag but due to the cost of shipping it ends up being to expensive.
We understand and we had one our family members share with us how he built one for under $60 you can check it out here: How To Build Your Own Wing Chun Rice Trainer For $60 or Less
Now on to your training…
Here is what’s new at Enter Shaolin this week:
Ngo Dac Na
Wing Chun
Women’s Self Defense
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