One of the training tools we use on Enter Shaolin is a Wing Chun Rice . It’s a good tool to use, especially for solo practicing. 🙂
We have people from all over the world joining our family and a lot of them have been wanting to buy their own.
While we found that you can purchase this trainer on Amazon like we did, for some outside the U.S.A., the shipping cost make this inexpensive piece of equipment out of the reach of some.
If your interested in purchasing one from Amazon, we would appreciate it if you would use our affiliate link below:
(We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.)
One of our members Phil, who also trains with Sifu Larry locally (he’s one of my training buddies too) created a rice trainer bag from scratch for under $20. He already had the makiwara board and canvas bags, hence why I titled this post $60 or less.
Phil said it was really simple, so we asked him if he could please send us some pictures, video, and a quick how to for those of you who want to build your own.
Steps On How To Build Your Own Wing Chun Rice Trainer
Supplies Needed:
- Two 3/4 pipe mounts
- One antenna spring
- One 1o in. x 1/2 in. carriage bolt
- One 1 1/2 ft. wooden dowel rod
- 2×6 x 5 ft. wooden board
- Makiwara Board or thick phone book
- 2 Single striking bags or 1 double striking bag
- Rice to fill up your bags
- Start by mounting the pipe brackets on top of each other as shown.
- Drill one end of your dowel rod with a 3/8 in. paddle bit.
- Run the carriage bolt through the antenna spring then into the end of the dowel rod.
- Screw the bolt into the wood.
- Fill up your canvas bag(s) with rice.
- Mount either makiwara board and/or rice bags.
(Ours has two single canvas bags at the top and one makiwara board at the bottom.)
* Even a thick phone book covered in canvas could work in a pinch. - Mount trainer to the wall making sure to attach to the studs in your wall.
Here’s Phil practicing with his DIY Wing Chun rice trainer:
Pretty neat huh?
We have had several members build their own gear from jongs to these trainers. I had a member send me his specs last year on a jong built from PVC pipe! Sadly, somehow the conversation got deleted and I forgot what his name was, sadly. If you are him, please forgive me and please re-send me your information so I can feature your awesome work!
Have you built any of your own training equipment? If so, please share. If you would like us to feature you in our next blog post, send us specs and details on how you made your training equipment, pics and if you are feeling spunky a video of you using the equipment to:
Blessings & Happy Training,
Jamie Pelaez
& The Enter Shaolin Family
Phil W says
Awesome and very effective
kermit says
That is cool I’ll head over to home depot to hook it up my kind of people’s God bless Sifu moss
Jamie Pelaez says
When you get yours built, feel free to email us some pics of your creation! God bless you too. 🙂
nick says
awe thanks for this info, now i can sort out some spring arm training!
Hays M says
Any thoughts on how to build a mook jong that doesn’t cost the same as a used car?
Jamie Pelaez says
Yes Hays, we will be posting about this next week. One of our members created one out of PVC pipe. 🙂
Joe says
Hey gang,
I’ll be submitting my PVC Mook Jong breakdown shortly. Life has been crazy, but I promise it’s coming.
Enter Shaolin Support says
We look forward to seeing it 🙂
Jamie Pelaez says
Woo hoo! Thank you Joe! I will keep an eye out for your email. We’ve had a few people this past week inquiring about cheap jongs.
We feel you on the life being crazy part. 🙂
Neil D says
No rush, but did you already post a link to the PVC Mook Jong breakdown 🙂
Jamie Pelaez says
Hey brother, we are waiting for brother Joe to send over the details. He’s been rather busy and has also checking out how the PVC jong would weather the storm of training etc. overtime. He said he will get over the details as soon as possible. Once he does I will share them and email everyone when they are available. 🙂
Juan Pablo Rivas says
awesome! i built my own wooden dummy! i will build this too, thanks!
Jamie Pelaez says
That’s awesome brother, feel free to send us pictures when you are done! 🙂
mark france says
hi yes ive made my own jong well still in the process id say im nearly 80% there though and if you are interested in looking at what I’ve managed to achieve drop me a email and i would be honoured to share with you what imacachieving
Sifu Phu Ngo says
Awesome, will do. And of course.
Anthony M says
I am emailing you my jong i built for $20, got the wood from homedepot
Jamie Pelaez says
Thank you brother, got it!!! Awesome job!
Jon Dobkin says
I’m a little confused, putting a bolt through the antenna spring would hold it in place, nullifying the spring wouldn’t it?
I’ve been wanting to build one but I can’t figure out how to mount a spring between the dowel and the wood base.
Jamie Pelaez says
Hey Jon, no it wouldn’t keep the spring from springing. It’s just bolting it to the metal piece to keep it attached to the main piece of wood. The bolt doesn’t run through the whole spring, therefor the spring will still move and spring into action.
I will be updating this post with another member’s instructions on how they built one in the upcoming week. Hopefully their instructions will help you to understand how to make it. I will email everyone once it is up. 🙂
Chris Rush says
I know this post is dated, but I actually just found your site. Did anyone ever send updated instructions on the spring arm/rice training wall bags, and homemade jongs (either wood or pvc). If so could I leave an email and get them sent to me
Sije Jamie Pelaez says
Hey Chris. Sorry, I am just seeing this. Unfortunately, though we followed up several times, those that where going to send them over, never completed them to send.