We put up a couple of YouTube videos from this past event we attended. It was a great time.
This first video I am going to share with you deals with Sifu Phu showing how to use the energy of the person to counter a choke hold and counter an armbar.
There are many different factors that go into countering these types of moves.
The skill level of the person applying the move. The ability to perform the move under pressure etc.
The point of this video is just to demonstrate that it is possible to counter these types of techniques if you understand the science behind the techniques.
Some things are hard to believe, I have seen Sifu Phu demonstrate this to many different people. The secret to the technique is how he sends the energy back to the person. If you listen closely you can hear him explain how it’s done.
Eastern U.S.A. International Martial Arts Association

Every year Sifu Phu Ngo does a different lesson at the seminar.
This year his lesson was on gripping and counter gripping.
Here is a short video clip, in it you can see the first part of his lesson.
You can watch the entire hour of the seminar inside Enter Shaolin’s training vault.
If you are looking for authentic kung fu that you can learn online you have come to the right spot.
Maybe i’m too quick, but where exactly do i find the full seminar? I can’t find it in the training section….i tried Ngo Dac Na and Seminars but the last seminar i see is the 5 animals of shaolin. Am i to quick or just blind?
Hi Holger, you didn’t miss it. I am hoping to get that uploaded this week for you.
Loved the clips of your seminar. would like to know If you will have any seminars coming up. I would like to attend.
Hey Stephen, we do a seminar every year in Pittsburgh. If your interested (I know it’s a long way from now) we’ll be letting everyone know about it three months before we go. My seminar will be focused on weapon striking next time. Hopefully you can come. We have a great time together and I will be giving another seminar for all the entershaolin family when we are there.
Hey Stephen, we are hoping to host some of our own seminars in 2015. We will keep you and everyone else posted on dates and locations.