Hi family we have this weeks updates ready for you. But before you check out this week’s updates, check out these life hacks. Well I have my plate full lately but I still wanted to give you guys and gals a good update post. So as I was sitting here thinking about what I am going to talk about today I remembered these life hacks I learned years ago.
This week I am going to give you a shortlist of those 10 life hacks. It is our hope that by joining Enter Shaolin we are helping you on your personal life journey. We want to help you become better than you where yesterday and we want you to be better tomorrow than what you are today.
Just today I was on FB and one of my FB friends on there is a local guy I grew up with. He was always getting in trouble, saying the wrong things and doing the wrong things when he was a kid.
He’s been to jail and still saying things that he has been manifesting into his life. I left him a reply on his wall. Here’s what I said when he was talking about all his friends are jerks and there are no good people left in the world.
I learned a long time ago. You attract people into your life based on what you project into the world.
Each and every one of us speak into existence our reality..
Next time a person talks listen. What you will notice is everything they say about themselves is true.
Often times what they say about others is also true for them..
You will never hear a rich person say they are poor or a poor person say they are rich..
What is common among each person is it’s their words that created the situation they are in. Good or bad.
I didn’t understand that in my 20’s.. I got it in my 30’s and in my 40’s I am very mindful of what I say because I know whatever is coming out of my mouth is going to manifest itself..
If you are spiritual/religious or just a person who believes in a higher power.
It says in the good book god created us in his image ..
God said “I am”.
God created the world with his words and he created us in his image and gave us dominion over the world..
This is why some people who are really bad seem to get all the good stuff and some good people seem get all the bad stuff.. It’s because gods laws aren’t just for the religious or god believers .. they are universal laws and apply to people regardless if they believe or not..
So I like to say “I am” blessed beyond measure and just leave it at that.
10 Life Hacks To A Better Life
- Learn The Power Of purpose – Know your purpose in life
- Having Self Confidence – Believe in yourself
- Having Enthusiasm – Don’t be pessimistic about things
- Being Prepared – Train, study and learn rinse wash and repeat
- Be Ready For Opportunity – When something good comes go for it
- Have Self Reliance – Be able to rely on yourself
- Have Good Self Image – See yourself as the amazing person you are
- Have Good Character – Live with integrity
- Have Self Discipline – Just do it and do it some more
- Do Extraordinary Things – Dream Big and when you do it’s still probably to small dream bigger
Jim Rohn was popular personal development speaker in the direct sales industry. Back in 2008 I joined a personal development online membership. I started listening to lots of self help audios. They really help in putting good stuff into your mind. Martial arts , playing a musical instrument, being a great athlete, being successful in business all require the same type of mindset.
If you want to be an amazing martial artist Success leaves clues. It’s not just gifted people who are capable of becoming expert martial artist. Each and every one of us has it inside of us to be the most amazing version of ourselves.
The secret to greatness is right in front of you, you just have to see it and reach for it.
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What’s New In The Training Hall This Week:
(ACCESS LEVEL: Junior, Senior, Abbot)
Ngo Dac Na
Wing Chun
Peace & Happy Training,
Sifu Larry Rivera
& The Enter Shaolin Family
Hello family !
I love what you guy’s are putting out this is awesome stuff by really good teachers
You guys seem genuinely good and pure, unfortunately we are living in strange times and I was wondering if any of use have come across the documentary .
“In the shadows documentary 2020 ” on YouTube . You guys post so much useful information, so I thought I’d contribute some to you in case you haven’t already.
To be aware is to be alive. All the best to you and yours
Danny H.
Haven’t seen it yet, but we will check it out.