This time of year is a time of celebration and family get togethers. It's also a time for cookies, cakes and all sorts of over indulgences. Thanksgiving to New Years is a time where lots of people tend to cut back on things like exercising, dieting, training. In truth this should be a time when you start doubling down on these things. I get it, you want to … [Read more...]
Enter Shaolin Update | 10 Life Hacks To A Better Life
Hi family we have this weeks updates ready for you. But before you check out this week's updates, check out these life hacks. Well I have my plate full lately but I still wanted to give you guys and gals a good update post. So as I was sitting here thinking about what I am going to talk about today I remembered these life hacks I learned years ago. This … [Read more...]
Enter Shaolin Update | Weekly Webinar Replay | Taking Time Out For Yourself
Hey family, it sure seems like times flies. It feels like it was Monday yesterday. I often ask myself where the heck does the time go. During this time of the year people are running all over the place. It's important to remember to make time for yourself. A mistake I see people make a lot of times is taking a month off or 2 months off. We are … [Read more...]
Enter Shaolin Updates | What’s New This Week 10/30/2015
Hey family, how has your week gone thus far? Mine did not go as planned, meaning my special goodies for you ran into some technical difficulties. I would love for just once things to work and go as smoothly as they are suppose to when we go to launch something new, however rarely is this the case. LOL! It's like going to battle for your dreams on the reg. … [Read more...]
Enter Shaolin Updates | What’s New This Week 10/09/2015
Hey Family! We just got Enter Shaolin fixed as of this morning. You should notice that the site is faster. I wasn't sure if I was going to be able get some new videos up for you this week. I am certainly glad that the site is back on track :-) . For those of you who are waiting for Lesson 14 in the Ngo Dac Na 101 course I hope to get that wrapped up for … [Read more...]