Hey family, this is going to be our last update of 2016. We spent a good portion of the year working on infrastructure and upgrading our equipment so that we can better serve you.
We are far from being finished on both those fronts, in fact I am not sure we will ever actually be finished with infrastructure & upgrading equipment as we keep growing, however we have come along way and now looking to 2017 we can start spending more time focusing on content creation and promoting Enter Shaolin! Thank God!
While our Jamie is on a road trip right now enjoying time with her family in North Carolina and Florida, I wanted to personally thank her for all she has done for Enter Shaolin as without her, I doubt you would even know of Enter Shaolin as it wouldn’t have been made.
My advice to you is when she starts talking about time management or finding the money to do the things you love to do, or even eating and being health, or anything else she says, listen. She is the perfect model of “practice what you preach” and is always working on learning more and improving herself and loves to help others do the same.
Her vision was so big, that she saw the existence of Enter Shaolin while Sifu Phu and I didn’t believe that anyone really wanted to train in Kung Fu online.
It just goes to show you that if your mind can think it, it can be achieved. Because here we are today with an amazing site serving a family we love.
I feel so blessed to be able to share our Kung Fu with you. I can’t even tell you how many times over the years I was surprised by how many people in the martial arts community didn’t understand how energy works with the body.
It seems like such a big part of martial arts you would think that it would be common knowledge among all the different martial arts families.
Time and time again though we come across people who learned techniques and forms but never learned the how’s and why’s.
Here at Enter Shaolin we continue with our mission to expose as many people around the world that we can to Ngo Dac Na. We believe that understanding how energy works with the body is the equalizer when it comes to martial arts as well as life as a whole.
Finally, I want to thank YOU personally for supporting us. Without you there would not be an Enter Shaolin.
You inspire us to keep doing what we do. Because of you we constantly challenge ourselves to be the best we can be. We keep upping our game so that we can be more and do more for YOU.
We are looking forward to serving you 2017 and I am excited for what’s to come.
Jamie will be back next week and will be sharing with you some great reflections to kick on 2017!
Now on to your training…
Here’s What’s New In The Training Hall:
ACCESS LEVEL: Junior, Senior and Abbot
Wing Chun
Ground Fighting
Ngo Dac Na Seminar
Happy Training,
Sifu Larry Rivera
& The Enter Shaolin Family
At first I was unsure about taking Kung Fu online, and not having a partner. I was wrong! Glad I joined the Enter Shaolin family! Thank you Sifu Phu and Sifu Larry for taking Jamie’s idea and running with it! And thank you Jamie! There is definitely something special about Ngo Dac Na! I Can feel it! One day when I can afford it, I will join as an abbot ( lifetime) member. I am gonna dedicate 2017 to better myself physically, mentally, and spiritually, and Enter Shaolin is gonna help me do it! Thanks so much for all that u do to make Enter Shaolin possable. Happy New Year to the whole family!
Thanks for the kind words Anthony. We look forward to being apart of your journey.
You are good and honest people, and this is what makes your efforts successful, and there is a lot of love and dedication for the art, which keeps you inspired and gives you strength to continue. Thank you.
Greetings and good wishes for 2017 and beyond…
Thanks Victor! Happy New Year 🙂