Woah! This week went super faaaast! We got back from Pittsburgh and it’s just been go, go, go.
How about you, how was your week? We’ve been catching up on emails, working on getting the seminar footage edited and processed among working on other site changes.
It’s been a wild but fun ride. Since it’s getting late, I am just going to share this snippet from the seminars this past weekend. There’s a lot more to share with you next week. 😉
So until then, enjoy this sneak peak:
Now on to your training…
Here’s Your New Enter Shaolin Training:
Ngo Dac Na
Wing Chun
Blessings & Happy Training,
Jamie Pelaez
& The Enter Shaolin Family
P.S. Notice anything new about the pic?! 😉
was awesome seeing myself get slapped around by Enrique and Larry 🙂
all seriousness: amazing training and principles – just need to get it into muscle memory and instinct – no matter what the technique/art you execute.
Thanks Faiz, it was awesome getting to meet you 🙂