One of the fundamental aspects of Kung fu training is the stances. In this kung fu lesson online, Sifu Phu Ngo discusses what a Bow and Arrow stance is used for.
The weight distribution of a bow and arrow stance is 70% of the weight on the lead leg and 30% on the rear leg. By doing this you create the ability to have a strong forward stance. What we do is teach you how the stances relate to each other.
Kung Fu Lesson Online – Tips On Getting Your Front Stance
There are a lot of different styles of martial arts that use the bow and arrow stance aka the front stance. This is the way we do the front stance. You may have seen other variations of this stance. Some of them are wider and deeper stances. These variations are more strenuous to do and aren’t as practical for self-defense. They do look nice though and they do help you develop your legs stronger.
Use a mirror to check that you are maintaining the correct posture when you are working on perfecting your bow and arrow stance. It is important that your knee does not go past your toes, and the leg that is behind you should have a tiny bend in it.
Your waist should be facing forward and not at an angle. What this means is both sides of your hips should be pointing in the same direction your knee is pointing.
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