In this video, we are going to discuss 4 ways you can deal with a push. There are only 4 ways that you can deal with a push. One of the first things you need to do when someone is pushing you is take a step backward or to the side.
That gives you the space you need. It also neutralizes the force coming at you. A key thing to remember when dealing with pushes is being aware of your surroundings.
Depending on your surroundings you could find yourself stepping in a pothole or trying to step over a branch or stepping back into a bar stool.
The 4 basic ways of dealing with a push
- Outside Outside
- Inside Inside
- Inside Outside
- Straight Out To The Side
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Excellent lesson on pushing.
Please keep up the great work you lot do.
I love the way you make it look so easy.
thanks so much this information is crazy easy its so simple thanks for your time I whish I could say to your grand father xiexie and give him a hug thanks GOD bless you
I like the way he explains the things
Good Job!
This is a question doesn’t match with the technique of this videolesson: Is there a possibility to implement the “O Soto Gari” as a counter-attack technique in the Ngo Dac Na system?
Hi Donty, to answer your question: Sure you can. The technique itself isn’t as important as the energy being used. With that said, as long as the energy is in the right place you can use the ” O Soto Gari” counter attack 🙂
Do you accept new students?
Yes, but we teach in NJ, where are you from?
Hello. I live in San Antonio TX. I am in the process of moving, possibly.
Kindly, Chris.
Hey Chris, we hope you have a safe move. The great thing about Enter Shaolin is you can take it where you go. All you need is a good internet connection.
Thanks mate..Easy following your teaching tecniques..
Again, you’re welcome
Again thank you for a lesson my confidence in my self grows as so dose my patience
#5: Foam at the mouth and go cross-eyed (No ketchup, just extra mustard)!
Ya that could work! 🙂