Hey family, how are you this week? We hope you are yours are doing great!
We had another week that didn’t go quite as planned, but it was overall productive and a step in the right direction!
I wanted to give you an update on some of my training. It’s been 2 weeks since I last bone conditioned, and prior to that lapse, Sifu Larry and I were training weekly for a month.
Yesterday I said something I can’t even believe I did, which was I insisted we bone condition. And the even funnier part is one of my training partners Kevin came in and told Sifu Larry he wanted to bone condition. And no we didn’t call each other up and plan this. 😉
Gotta love the synchronicity and how before we dreaded bone conditioning, and now we miss it. Funny stuff!
Sifu Larry took some video of us bone conditioning and put it up on Instagram. Speaking of, if you are on Instagram, you can follow us here.
Check out me (Sije Jamie Pelaez) bone conditioning:
Have you been bone conditioning? What”s your experience thus far? Let me know in the comments below, familia!
Speaking of sharing… I did mention more about something neat that has happened in a short time with my bone conditioning…
If you haven’t watched the Member Q&A Webinar yet, you can do so here:
There were lots of gold nuggets aka great martial arts tips and of course some laughter and joking too. I hope you enjoyed the replay!
If you would like to send in a questions for next week’s webinar, you can do so here: stage.entershaolin.com/contact.
Oh and one more thing, before you get to the new training of the week…
Let us know what seminar you can attend and if you can do both, there is an option to choose that too!
We are looking forward to getting to train and see you. Sifu Larry and I will doing a podcast about the benefits of attending seminars in our next podcast which will be out next week.
But, I don’t want you to take just our word for it, I think our Abbot member Marlon says it best here:
If you haven’t already, go back to the form above the video to cast your vote for 1 or 2 awesome Enter Shaolin Seminars.
Now on to your training…
Your Free Training Hall Video Of The Week:
Ground Fighting
What’s New In The Training Hall This Week:
(ACCESS LEVEL: Junior, Senior and Abbot)
C.O.R.E. Training
Wing Chun
Ngo Dac Na
Blessings & Happy Training,
Sije Jamie Pelaez
& The Enter Shaolin Family
Jason Wei Loong H says
– Funding through a GoFundme with perhaps a half detailed list of items, some people might donate new equipment in lieu of cash;
– Planing and making contingency now that you know it could take days to upload everything to prepare for eventualities, know your own capabilities at this time and to create customer expectation if the worst should happen, like computer games they have down times with the best who know of it so they are able to transfer players to another server and so on;
– Video hosting possibles:
Quick glance, Sprout allows speed control but there is obviously other issues to consider.
– when relaxed usually subconsciously, everything can come into play which, a common popular but not always the best way which most people get tired of in my community, are those exercises such as getting the arm to move right and use the muscles, is by rotating the arm for one to three hours both clockwise and anticlockwise to the sides in a varying largeness of circles. With a humour and irony, many students will quit at this point.
Sifu Larry Rivera & Jamie Pelaez says
Hey brother, we are actually working on an amazon list of things we need, so if anyone wants to purchase the equipment we need they can send it to us. 🙂
I think you misunderstood, we do not use YouTube to host our videos for members so we don’t ever have to worry about that. We have known people who have lost it all, not interested in all that. We have our videos all triple backedup and pay for our video hosting with a reputable company. So no worries.
We’ve been working online both for over a decade so we are well versed in all that good and not so good with hosting.
Vimeo Business Pro is what we use, before we were using Wistia, while we loved them, there’s just no way with the amount of content we have now and in the future plus video watch amounts that it was a sustainable option for us or we would still be using them. There are many factors at play when considering hosting not just in the now but also future.
Qigong and Tai Chi are great for relaxing, I really enjoy the 10 basic Qigong moves for getting energized in the morning and relaxed in the evening. 🙂
asublimepizza says
Great ! Put that list up, I think people are generally more inclined to help out if they know what is required. By and large, I think you are doing good work that many do not know how fortunate they are and if able, will support.
On the last point, your relaxation is gradual and softer than the hard muscle tendon resets which I am accustomed to see used probably for time sensitive targets, which are bone setting, chiropractors, and releasing of shoulder joints through doing hours of rotation.
Sifu Phu mentioned somewhere, that in training, a method is for some Sifu or Guros to get the student to do thousands of repetitions to not only loosen the muscle tendon group, but also teach how the sensation or feel should be and when those muscle groups relax, they suddenly understand and get the moves or techniques they are trying to perform.
Thank your Sije Jamie and Sifu Larry for your time. Much appreciated !
Sije Jamie Pelaez says
Thank you brother, we definitely have an awesome group of family members and we do share a lot of the details but mainly via videos and our weekly update, etc., etc. We definitely aren’t making it a secret for those paying attention. 😉
You are most welcome brother!