This was a lesson Sifu Phu gave on slipping the punch and counter hitting at our 2018 Washington DC Seminar. Speaking of seminars we love doing them. With everything that has been going on in the world it's been difficult to try and hold one. However we look forward to starting them up again.What we do here at Enter Shaolin is very unique in the martial arts … [Read more...]
Enter Shaolin Update MASS HYSTERIA WTH IS Going ON?
It all feels overwhelming doesn't it? A global pandemic, BLM, and that's just some of the things happening in the world today. Here at Enter Shaolin we took a step back for a couple of weeks to process everything that is going on in our lives and the world.We believe that deadly viruses come and go. We believe that all injustices will be righted. There is … [Read more...]
Enter Shaolin Update | Next Seminar and Live Online Kung Fu Classes
Hey family! It's been a minute... Err... More like a month since we got a formal update out to you. Some of them why we can share and some we have to keep hush, hush for now... We've got some cool things coming up for you all! Check out our video update that gives you all the details on what's been happening & what is on the horizon... Yes, … [Read more...]
Enter Shaolin Update | Being Reborn
Hi family, first I want to apologize for not getting this out to you last week. As many of you already know I was diagnosed with cancer in April. Ever since then I have been going through a constant process of growth. Looking deeper into myself fixing things that have been broken inside me since I was a kid. This past week I really had to face some of my … [Read more...]
Enter Shaolin Update | Health & Seminar Update + Quick Training Tips
Hey family, how have you been? We have a had a wild and crazy week. But we are going to keep on moving and persevering! We just got back to our normal filming schedule. So look forward to some more new training videos next week. Sifu Larry got his staples out. Not only did he say it hurt, but it also made him feel extra sensitive in those areas. … [Read more...]