Hi family! We have this week’s update for you but first I wanted to talk to you about something that I’ve been battling the majority of my life. That is failing.
Literally failing constantly. Failing at my Kung Fu training, failing at dieting, failing in business literally failing at everything. In my early years of life it depressed the heck out of me to constantly fail at seemingly everything.
I haven’t particularly been blessed with any skills. With that said there are things I am very good at. The reason isn’t because I was blessed with a skill set from birth. The reason is much more attainable for anyone to achieve.
Simply, the reason why I am where I am today is because every time I fail at something, I pull myself together and get back up on the horse and start again. Over and over again.
I found that the key to really accomplishing your goals is to create goals that don’t have an end point. What I mean by this is, when you have an end point you stress yourself out trying to reach your goal by your pre determined time. While in some instances that is a great idea… Often what happens is you fail to reach your goal and the depression of that experience then causes you to stop trying to achieve the goal.
Rather than setting a date for your goal, just set out to achieve your goal and when you do eventually hit your goal, then set a new goal and continue your journey through life.
For example: Wanting to teach Kung Fu is a good goal. But wanting to teach Kung Fu in 5 years is a stressful goal and one that could actually derail your initial thought of ‘I want to teach Kung Fu’, if you realize in 5 years you are still have more to learn before you can truly teach.
Whatever goals you set out to achieve, work on them daily. What I mean by this is always in someway keep your goals in your mind. Don’t burden yourself with when, just remind yourself of your ‘why’. We talked about the importance of knowing your why here.
Literally the most important thing you need to do to achieve your goals is to simply not give up on them. Take as long as you need to achieve them, that’s okay. What’s not okay is to give up on them.
Creating success isn’t a goal it’s a mindset, a way to see life.
So what changed for me? One day I realized that all success at all things is achieved the same way. Basically people who are successful start a journey and never stop. At some point on that journey they will reach their goal and by that time they will have already been working on new goals.
The cycle of growing never stops.
As Sije Jamie always loves to say, “There’s always room for improvement!” And that is so true! There is always room for improvement, there is always room to get better and be better. It all starts with a decision and once that decision is made simply start walking towards your goal.
Sometimes you may take 100 steps backwards so you can eventually take 1000 steps forward. Sometimes you may only take 5 steps backwards and 5 steps forward and other times you may not take any steps backwards and just move forward.
At the end of the day it’s not where or what you achieved nor is it how far you have gotten. Take each day as it comes and keep your goals in your mind. Visualize them constantly. Living your life isn’t about goals or getting from here to there. Life is simply about living to the fullest. There are no one size fits all for everyone.
If you include martial arts in all aspects of your life, like how you put on your clothing, when you walk up a flight of stairs, while eating your meals, engaging in conversations, literally let it be a part of every aspect of your life, then you will one day master your art.
The same could be said about anything else you set out to achieve. Finally, never give up, never throw in the towel. Every time you think about giving up and walking away don’t. Just take a deep breath and get back on the horse because in all things consistency of effort is the key.
Now on to your training…
Watch Tuesday’s Kung Fu Q&A Replay:
Watch Friday’s Kung Fu Q&A Replay:
Your Free Training Hall Video Of The Week:
Tai Chi
What’s New In The Training Hall This Week:
(ACCESS LEVEL: Junior, Senior and Abbot)
Tai Chi
Wing Chun
Ngo Dac Na
Happy Training,
Sifu Larry Rivera
& The Enter Shaolin Family
Great words, Sifu Larry! Never surrender!
Thanks Douglas!
Tuesday webminar,
Hi all,
Regarding the discussion of God.
I always said Jesus and god are the same it is the universal power.
God made it possible to the human eyes to be seen regarding Jesus because the human eye don’t have the ability to see God when we are surrounded by it and to be able to see it , you need to be in a very very special state.
So I agree so much regarding God and Jesus.
From Montreal.
Thanks for watching our webinars.