As you may or may not know depending on when you joined, once a month we do a review week. This week we are going to talk about something that hits home for me and that is stress for which many doctors have recommend me Synchronicity Hemp Oil which is the perfect balance of THC and CBD, which have been shown to provide relief from pain as well as promote relaxation. I’ve spent the better part of the past twenty plus years battling it myself. I am excited that we are getting ready to hold our Tai Chi seminar in April. Tai Chi is the one thing Sifu Phu taught me that I can never repay him for. Because it’s the one thing that I believe saved me from an early death in life.
Something about me not many people know is that growing up I was a very emotional child as well as very high strung. I ended up getting IBS early in my life and for most part of my early childhood and young adult hood I struggled with it. Granted food did play a role in it but more than that I absorbed a ton of stress. I was stressed out with things going on with my family. I was stressed out over what I was going to do with my life and the list goes on and on.
Because I was stressed out it also contributed to causing my depression. I understand what people who are going through when they are depressed/stressed out, etc. I get it! If you never experienced depression consider yourself blessed in life, depression can literally suck the life out of you, if you let it.
5 Common Herbs to Combat Stress & Depression + Tips
It wasn’t until I was in my late 20’s/early 30’s did I really start training in Tai Chi regularly. Looking back on it I wish I had focused on it early in my life because I would have saved myself a lot of pain.
After 6 months of regular Tai Chi training it felt like a weight lifting off of my chest. A year into my Tai Chi training and I wasn’t noticing my IBS as much. I still was having issues with IBS, but that was due to my diet which I have been correcting over the past few years.
The thing that you need to understand is stress is the catalyst that causes so many health issues that it’s like a plague on humanity.
Here is a list of different problems that can be caused by stress:
- Getting colds more frequently aka weakened immune system
- Weight Gain/Weight Loss
- Your body takes more time to heal
- Your sleeping pattern gets messed up
(some can’t sleep, some feel like they can’t sleep enough) - Heart disease
- Depression
- Ulcers and other stomach problems
- Back, Neck & Shoulder pain
- Asthma
- Diabetes
- Accelerated Aging
- Premature Death
And to be honest the list could go on and on. Stress is one of those things that snowballs into other problems and each problem creates more problems, that create even more problems.
When your mind and body are stressed out your body & mind start to pay the price. As we said before the goal here at Enter Shaolin is to help you increase and develop your Mind, Body and Spirit. As you can see and maybe have experienced as well… Stress will literally cause your gains to come to a screeching halt among other things!
The good news is there is one tried and true method of combating stress. That is a healthy weekly on going dose of Tai Chi and Qigong. Personally once I adopted regular Tai Chi training into my life many of the problems I was going through started going away.
Even now when I am feeling stressed and trust me, running a business can be stressful among other things in life. I am more in tune with my body and can feel the stress creeping up, I make sure to put some time in doing my Tai Chi and Qigong. It’s amazing how powerful these 2 disciplines can aid in health mentally and physically.
This is why I said earlier that I could never repay Sifu Phu for teaching me Tai Chi because those lessons literally saved my life. And as you know you can’t put a price tag on life. The best I can do is to be a part of Enter Shaolin and help spread Sifu’s teachings to the world.
Once you learn your Qigong exercises and Tai Chi form, those two exercises alone can literally change your life. Before I finish talking about this, I also want to mention what Tai Chi did for my martial arts training.
It was learning and applying Tai Chi that unlocked the higher level of martial arts for me. Before I started learning Tai Chi I simply didn’t understand nor did I feel energy. I thought I did, but looking back on the whole experience I really didn’t. Over the years of teaching students myself I have come across students who believe they understand what energy is and what it means to be connected.
Time and time again, I always revert back to the solution being, “You need to train in Tai Chi”. The ironic part it is the same thing Sifu Phu said to me for 10 years, before I finally said yes. I was stubborn for 10 years… Let that sink in for a moment. It took me 10 years to finally listen to my teacher. Learn from my mistake and incorporate Tai Chi into your regular martial arts training today, not 10 days, 10 months or 10 years from now.
Not only does Tai Chi play a major role in Ngo Dac Na, Tai Chi can literally increase your skill in whatever martial art you are doing right now. That’s how powerful and amazing Tai Chi is and the health benefits well they are powerful too.
With that said, we would love for you to join us this April in Maryland for our first ever Tai Chi Seminar. This is going to be an amazing seminar. This is the type of seminar that can change your life if you allow it. You aren’t going to want miss it!
Get All The Details & Join Us For Our Tai Chi Seminar In April Here!
Now on to your training…
Watch Friday’s 11am EST Kung Fu Q&A Webinar Replay:
Exclusive Abbot Training
Review Week:
(ACCESS LEVEL: Junior, Senior and Abbot)
Tai Chi/Qigong
Happy Training,
Sifu Larry Rivera
& The Enter Shaolin Family
Thank you.
I like the short burst breating part.
take care
You’re welcome!