Hey Family, how are you this week? We hope you and yours are doing well! Give us a shoutout in the comments below! 🙂
This week’s update is going to be a bit short, but no worries it isn’t short on new training! Next week I will be sharing our photos from our last several weeks of adventures along with some good stories and lessons too!
Thank you to Abbot sister Melanie for letting us share your critique on your Tai Chi form! These member critiques are not just inspiring, but also helpful for reminding ourselves of common pitfalls to watch out for.
Several of you awesome members, such as Melanie, Gil, Russel W. and more have inspired me to get back on my Tai Chi game. I’ve been struggling getting past the first-third. I have gotten into parts of the second, but seriously see I am going to have to do what Sifu Larry did and practice daily to be able to progress. This ADD is kicking my butt when it comes to Tai Chi and I’ve decided enough is enough!
It’s time for my Tai Chi to kick my ADD’s butt! LOL
So I am going on a daily journey or challenge rather to get at least the 2/3 fully memorized by our seminar in Washington D.C. in September. It will be an early birthday present to myself and I’m not allowed to give in, no matter what! If I get further, that will be AWESOME, however if not, my next goal will be to have all 3 parts memorized by the time we go to Pittsburg, PA in November!
So hold me accountable family and if you have been struggling to get it memorized and want to join my accountability Tai Chi Challenge group, send me an email here. There is indeed power in numbers!
Also, before you get to this week’s training, I wanted to give you a quick update on my daughter as I know some of you have been keeping us in your prayers and we greatly appreciate it! I have her on a couple supplements that are mostly B-Vitamins and Omega 3-6, they have helped her tremendously along with cutting out sugar that isn’t in whole from say like dates or an apple, etc. We both are extremely sensitive to sugar even organic cane sugar minimally as well as caffeine.
I have a lot of hunches as to why from my research, but that could be a whole blog post in itself and will be something I share as I complete my research.
I look forward to hearing how your week has been, how’s your training going by the way? And are you on board for the daily Tai Chi training challenge (if you haven’t been already, of course)?!? Let me know in the comments family!
Here’s your Member Q&A Webinar Replay:
Now on to your training…
Your Free Training Hall Video Of The Week:
Wing Chun
Abbot Member Critique
(ACCESS LEVEL: Lite, Junior, Senior, and Abbot)
Ngo Dac Na Seminar Footage
(ACCESS LEVEL: Lite, Junior, Senior, and Abbot)
What’s New In The Training Hall This Week:
(ACCESS LEVEL:Â Junior, Senior and Abbot)
Wing Chun
Ngo Dac Na
Blessings & Happy Training,
Sije Jamie Pelaez
& The Enter Shaolin Family
Hi Sije Jamie
I’ll do the Tai Chi challenge with you. I’m just starting to learn the long forms you guys are doing. This is an easy challenge for me for the last three years I’ve been practicing the short forms and my Qigong every morning. After awhile you will feel guilty if you don’t practice. The days I can’t do core or other training I still do my Qigong and Tai Chi, it makes me feel better prepared for my day. a little while back I posted my forms on slack. I was nerves about filming myself. Have a great day and I hope your child’s health improves.
Glad to have you on board brother!
And agreed about the Qigong guilt, because I had started to do it daily and stopped! And yes, you do feel guilty, hence the challenge!
I will add you in the Tai Chi one, I also added a C.O.R.E training as well. Want in on that one too?
Thanks Sifu Phu and Sije Jamie on the bear hug takedown demonstration. Very effective! I am just now watching the update, so thank you for making the webinars available to us all! I will definitely practice and use this technique. I love how the MCMC is always present in everything NGO DAC NA…control, control, control!!!!
Indeed brother, indeed MCMC always! And you are most welcome! Here is another lesson we did, that will help as well: https://entershaolin.com/how-to-deal-with-a-person-that-bear-hugs-you-from-behind/