Hey family! We got this week’s updates ready for you. For those of you who have been following us on Instagram, you may have saw this video we posted last week…
One of our members commented here and was concerned that Jamie wasn’t using proper form. By the way, thank you for the concern brother, we appreciate it!
What Neil did not realize is that Jamie was going through her last 15 of her last super set (we do 3 sets and 30 reps each) and that I expect her to struggle at this point and for her form to not be 100% and that is okay, because while she is struggling she isn’t struggling to the point of injury. Instead she is struggling to the point of growth.
Jamie did use proper form in the beginning but at this point in the video she was just focused on getting through the burn and getting those last 15 in. Today, is actually the last day for us to do high reps/lower weights. The next two weeks coming up we will be lifting heavy again doing low reps. I think it is safe to say we are both excited to be done with this phase for at least a few more weeks… We are still feeling the burn from leg day this past week.
Check out this meme that basically sums up how we felt and still feel a bit today…
A photo posted by Enter Shaolin, LLC (@enter.shaolin) on
The idea behind training like this is to constantly keep your body confused. In this way your body is constantly working on adapting which stimulates growth.
With that said, High reps with lighter weights tones your muscles and helps you get that more cut look while lifting heavy weights with low reps builds your muscle. Hence the names cutting and bulking.
No two people are the same, so depending on your specific goals and needs you may need to spend more time building muscle than you do toning your muscle… Or you may have plenty of muscle and you may need to focus on chiseling your muscle and working on tendons, etc.
The best practice is somewhere in between. A little later on we will talk more about specific goals. For example maybe your goal is to lose more weight without having to do cardio 45 minutes 3 to 5 times a week. (hint: doing that much cardio might actually do more harm than good depending on your circumstances and goals).
You can get a really good workout in under 10 minutes, so even if you are crunched for time there is no excuses.
It’s important to note that you should always push yourself in new and interesting ways. There is nothing worse than getting bored with a training routine. I encourage you to switch things up regularly. Maybe spend 2 weeks just doing our C.O.R.E. Training exercises, then spend another two weeks lifting weights, then take a week off from that and just ride a bicycle for two weeks or walk/jog/jump rope, etc.
The bottom line is: Here at Enter Shaolin we believe that you need to constantly cultivate your Mind, Body and Spirit. And to do that, you must keep challenging yourself in each of these areas. Remember any form of regular exercise is better than none at all.
How is your workout routine going? Do you have one? If so, share below what is working for you. If you don’t, share why you haven’t committed to a routine yet in the comments section below.
Now on to your training…
Here’s Your New Enter Shaolin Training:
Tai Chi
Ngo Dac Na
Happy Training,
Sifu Larry Rivera
& The Enter Shaolin Family
P: 1-844-9-KUNGFU
P.S. We will be sending you something special tomorrow for International Wing Chun Day, so make sure to keep your eyes on your inbox!
Greart hard work for you. But no pain no gain, keep it up. Waiting for your next update. Cheer
Thanks Andy!