When you decide to start training in Wing Chun one of the most affordable training tools to get your hands on is a Wing Chun ring for training also known as a rattan ring which is made out of rattan wood.
You can use the rattan ring or a steel one, whichever works best for you. One isn’t really better than the other, it’s a matter of your personal taste.
Also, you might notice these rattan rings are used in several different martial art styles obviously Wing Chun, but also Hung Gar and Shaolin steel ring training.
Rattan ring training is very versatile, especially for the solo practitioner.
Tip: A good size Wing Chun Ring to use is one that is the length of your forearm.
We have had a few people ask recently if we had any free Wing Chun Ring training. Currently, we have a growing collection of rattan ring exercises for our members but thought we would do some short training tips for YouTube as well.
Watch Sifu Phu Ngo share a quick Wing Chun ring training tip below:
This particular training drill is good for learning how to get forward pressure. If you are a member of Enter Shaolin you can review the lessons we released to you thus far below.
Wing Chun Ring Training Exercises:
- Introduction To Wing Chun Ring Training
- Ring Training | Gun Sao Quan Sao
- Ring Training | Using The Po Pai Technique
We have more steel ring training videos that we will be released to you soon. 🙂
Related Questions To The Wing Chun Ring (Rattan)
What Is The Wing Chun Ring For?
During our workouts, we make use of these to help develop our structure and to improve our awareness of our surroundings.
The rattan ring will instruct you on how to best place your arms in order to defend yourself in a confrontation that is up close and personal.
These rings are most frequently used in Wing Chun, and their purpose is to teach the practitioner how to keep their hands properly linked while engaging in attacks and defense.
These are called “Rattan” Rings, and they are used in Wing Chun (Inner diameters 8,10 and 12 inches). These ring sizes are the ones that are utilized the most frequently in Wing Chun practice, and they are appropriate for the majority of training exercises.
How Do You Use Wing Chun Rings?
Therefore, if you want to play the inside position in the rings themselves, a common strategy is to hold Tan Sao and Bong Sao in the same way you would if you were playing the outside position in the rings. One of the basic things you can train is your Chi Sao rolling.
How Big Should A Wing Chun Rings Be?
Let your Forearms be your guide. When you practice with rings, you should look for ones that are at least as wide as your arm from the wrist to the elbow.
What Do Kung Fu Rings Do?
The ability to think creatively is the key differentiator between a martial artist who is just okay and a martial artist who is truly exceptional.
In the end, there is no such thing as the correct or incorrect manner in which to utilize these training rings. Keep in mind as well that many different types of martial arts from around the world make use of these rings as training tools.
Do you use these training rings? Let us know in the comment section.
Talk to you soon,
Sifu Larry
& The Enter Shaolin Family
Adolph says
Way cool, thank you.
Larry Rivera says
You’re welcome!
CHRIS E says
Looks like a good training tool for structure and technique.
RUBEN says
Sifu moss says
Thanks sifu.the ring is a good tool for forward perspiration.new idea’s is cool to introduce to all
Larry Rivera says
You’re welcomed.
John says
Thanks appreciate all you do..
You have shown me some good skills..
Pops Ryan says
In watching the series of videos it seems that Sifu Phu has a quickness that is rarely seen. Of course I do not expect to become as fast as he is, but I would like to improve my hand speed, foot speed and balance. Is this attainable for someone as old as myself?
Larry Rivera says
Hi Pops, increasing your speed has a lot to do with proper technique and repetition. So the short answer to your question
is yes. 🙂
mark France says
Inspirational just wish it was a bit longer clips
Jamie Pelaez says
Hey Mark, we have much longer training inside the membership site for ring training and much more. If you haven’t checked out what becoming a member includes you can learn more here: http://www.entershaolin.com/join
If you have any questions, just let us know. 🙂