In this kung Fu lesson Online Sifu Phu teaches you how to develop speed from your wrist. In order to achieve a faster kung fu punch you don’t want to develop your muscle you want to develop your tendons.
Tendons allow you to do fast jerky motions. Muscles are used to over come forces, tendons are used to hold and snap. So focus on your tendons when you want to get physically faster.
How do you get faster? You get faster through technique. You get faster by cutting away unwanted distance. The way that you want to develop speed is through the wrist. You don’t want to throw your punch from your shoulders.
A lot of styles want you to throw from the body and throw from the shoulders and that’s great if you want to get a lot of power and force. However to get the speed you want it through the wrist.
Newtons Second Law says:
” Acceleration is produced when a force acts on a mass. The greater the mass (of the object being accelerated) the greater the amount of force needed (to accelerate the object).”
Final Thoughts On The Kung Fu Punch
It’s good to note that in a street fight it’s important to maximize the amount of damage you can do. The equalizer when it comes to delivering power in your strikes is to deliver them as quickly and accurately as possible. The faster, the more accurate the faster you can end a dangerous situation. This is why
We would love to hear how you do with this drill. Leave us a comment below and let us know.
Excellent explanation. I have seen a dummy lesson on you tube and I appreciate the way of teaching techniques.
Great video, great explanation, I will be practicing the technique wish I had found wing chun when I was a little younger
I just finished watching the whole series of Human Weapon, a History Channel series from 2007. They said the hardest punch they saw of 15 different martial arts was the Wing Chung punch. It was close range but it had the same principles that Sifu Phu, was demonstrating. It was also was also quick as lightning. SPEED x mass = power. Cool thanks Sifu.
That’s awesome, thanks for the info. Sifu Larry and I love documentaries and will see if we can find that to check it out. 🙂
I’m interested in wing chun and I watch a lot of videos about it. In most of the videos there’s a partner required. I was wondering if there is a way to practice it solo.
Of course you can, in fact most a lot of your training you are solo training for the technique. You would eventually need a person to test out your training, but you can definitely train by yourself for a lot of it. Evidently, are you Vietnamese? You have a Vietnamese name in your email. I too am Vietnamese. 🙂
Wow, that’s really interesting. I want to start training asap but I don’t really know what to start first on wing chun
Hey brother, it’s super simple in the member’s training area here:
Go to the Wing Chun section and start at the beginning which is Sil Lum Tao. 🙂 If you need help on a specific lesson, just ask your question in the comments section below that lesson and we will help you out. Blessings!
I watched your punching with speed verse shoulder telegraph. I shall practice it tonight. I shall let you know the results.
We would love to hear about your results 🙂
I finished practice with punching with speed verse telegraph with shoulder. It went very well and Fast enough that I could not block it if it was coming at me. I was using punching techniques Sifu Phu taught with throwing my wrist 1st and keeping my arming in the right position to maximize power.
That’s awesome! Isn’t amazing how simple tweaks can make such a huge difference?
Is the technique the same for a right hand follow up? How do I practice with the right hand? Many thanks.
Hey Pops, yes it’s the same. Just take it slow. Generally we practice to be able to do what we do on both sides of our body.
Amazing explaining.
It will be perfect when you make subtitles on your wonderful videos.
Wish you luck, and more success.
Go on.
Thanks Ameer!
Good relaxed tension without straining!
Now I understand how to use the wrist , instead of shoulder !
Many thanks
You are welcome Eddy, glad you enjoyed this lesson! 🙂
Great video explaining concept and showing technique step by step. Thanks.
Awesome! Glad You enjoyed it.