Hey family! In this edition of My Kung Fu Journey, you will get to see more of the training I did back in December 2015 with me training with Hector and Sifu Larry teaching us some flow drills for your hands game.
You will have some good laughs and find out how/why Sifu Larry finally ‘gets me’. You will also see us working on a hand and resistance drill using the pak/tan to defend against a punch. While Hector and I were doing this drill we would increase the pressure to test the others’ pak and tan as well as to work on our own forward drive at the same time. Enjoy safe and exciting betting with การเดิมพันที่ปลอดภัยและสนุกสนานกับ UFABET.
We would also vary the intensity randomly to help us not get into a pattern so we could really test our techniques. If you do the drills right, you will always both gain something plus more insight on your current skill, whether it is your ‘turn’ to do the main part of the drill or not.
And then… Sifu Larry decides to have us do another drill that is clearly way too many moves for our enthusiastic ADD brains! ROFL!!!
You will notice we are having a hard time getting it, but we make light of it and keep trying until we sorta do. And that my friend is how training can go sometimes… LOL! Did I mention before that there are days I laugh, cry or get frustrated and then there are days where it all flows and I feel powerful not in a strong way but a confident in my skin moment where my body, mind and soul are working as one!?!
Those ‘ah ha’ moments. They are beautiful but in between them are plenty of the laughter, crying and some even some flustered/frustrated moments. The important thing is to allow these moments to happen, take stock in why you feel the way you feel and if it is okay let it be, but if you don’t like feeling that way, figure out how you can change how you feel about it.

I notice my off days in my Kung Fu training, exercise and life as a whole happen more when something is off in my life. Which I will talk more about in my next training segment which will be in two weeks. Because there are many reasons that these off days happen, so I want to share the reasons that have caused my off days and how I’ve remedied them and what ones I am still implementing systems into place to correct.
Systems doesn’t sound too glamours, but those systems which are in short rituals we require daily to keep our body, mind and spirit in check are much needed in life period. It’s like a computer, it has many parts and if just one is missing or damaged, you are not going to be able to operate it as well or in some cases at all. :/
Have daily rituals and habits in place so you can make your life smoother, have more energy, more health, more abundance, feel more positive, etc. all help you to flow through life and your martial arts training easier and with much less down days and moments. You will find you get up and dust yourself off faster and faster as you grow and take care of you. Which makes progress happen faster too. Because you are focused and all systems are a go! 😉
It also helps you to surround yourself with people that will challenge you to be your best, not accept your excuses and make you laugh even when you mess up.
And if you don’t have that at home or wherever in the world you are. Just know, that you have that here at Enter Shaolin!
Now back to the video… There is a drill I call like ‘Twister’ the game. If you don’t know what that is, be sure to google it to understand. In short this game really makes you think because you are moving slower and one wrong move and you are done. I know that sounds odd, but when you have to move slower, you have to slow your thought too and not think about it. Well for some this is pretty simple, but for brains that race and zoom like Hector’s and mine, well it is a challenge and a great exercise.
Really what Sifu Larry is doing is forcing us to slow our brains down so we can feel for the movement rather than think about it. Which comes more naturally and naturally over time, hence a great reason to practice this. I would also like to point out that if you do not have a partner yet, you can totally do these drills solo in the air, with a tree branch, with the Wing Chun Rice Trainer, a jong, etc…
So no excuses! 😉
At 8:08 Sifu Larry is trying to teach us another drill and you will see my solution to not knowing what to do next. I like to call it improvising… 😉 LOL!
There’s about another 8 minutes of laughter and lessons for you, but instead of telling you about them too, I will let you check them out first hand for yourself. Enjoy!
Flow Drills To Help Develop Your Hands Game:
How did you like this edition of my Kung Fu journey? Comment below and feel free to share any revelations or anything else you would like to share about your Kung Fu journey. From laughter to trials and tribulations, it is all a part of the process! I look forward to hearing from you!
And if you enjoyed this, be sure to share it on your favorite social networks too! 😉
Be Blessed,
Jamie Pelaez
& The Enter Shaolin Family
P: 1-844-9-KUNGFU
That looks like fun! I’ll be trying it soon.
Let us know how it goes Melani! 🙂
So much fun! A little bit of silliness is so great for the soul.
This video looks like a perfect snapshot of a moment from the Kung Fu journeys of Hector, Jamie, and Larry, from student level to Sifu level.
I learned a lot just to see the process.
Perhaps Don wanted only to focus on seeing the “right” or ideal way to act, but this video shows the process of how “regular” people train in order to learn how to think and move as martial artists in the “right” way. They have been taught and shown the “right” way to make single moves like pak, tan, and bong saos, and now are learning how to applying those moves multiple times in realistic training situation (at slow speed).
#LoveIt #KungFuJourney #Learning
Even the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.
Thank you for sharing brother, I am glad you enjoyed it as well as many others have, minus Don… LOL!