Part 1Part 2Part 3 … [Read more...]
Enter Shaolin Update | First Members-Only Webinar
Hey family, how are you? We are going to keep this super short and sweet as there is a lot of content here for you to go through.We had our first members-only Kung Fu Q&A webinar. The replay is available in this update.Also, we have some member critiques and of course new martial arts training for you!You will also find our last public Q&A.I will be … [Read more...]
The 3 Most Important Virtues In Martial Art Training
Most people take the road most traveled when it comes to martial arts training. Which means only a handful of people ever take the road that is less travelled.Right now somewhere someone is about to give up on their training. Maybe they feel that it is to hard to become an expert or maybe they feel that other priorities come first.Whatever the reason, the … [Read more...]
My Kung Fu Journey | Flow Drills To Help Develop Your Hands Game
Hey family! In this edition of My Kung Fu Journey, you will get to see more of the training I did back in December 2015 with me training with Hector and Sifu Larry teaching us some flow drills for your hands game.You will have some good laughs and find out how/why Sifu Larry finally 'gets me'. You will also see us working on a hand and resistance drill … [Read more...]
My Kung Fu Journey | Working On Basic Push Hands | Internal Martial Arts
Hey familia! I am so happy to share with you some of my training from earlier in the month. Hector and I just started working on some training together and I know you will not only find lots of value from the lessons but also get a chance to have a more inside view of who we are. You may even get some good laughs, after all when you get two Latino ADHD … [Read more...]