As a born-again Christian and martial arts instructor for over 20 years, I often get asked if it’s okay for Christians to study martial arts. In this article, I address this common concern and share my personal experience and beliefs about Christian martial arts.
Martial arts is all about self-improvement, both physically and mentally. It’s not about violence or connecting with God through spirituality, but rather about controlling oneself. While there may be some martial arts that tie into religion, there are many others that are based on science and principles of energy and body control. Ultimately, whether or not martial arts is right for you as a Christian is a matter of personal conviction and seeking guidance from God.
Key Takeaways
- Martial arts is about self-improvement and control, not violence or spirituality.
- There are many martial arts based on science and principles of energy and body control.
- Whether or not studying martial arts is right for Christians is a matter of personal conviction and seeking guidance from God.
Addressing Viewer Questions
As always, we love hearing from our viewers and addressing your questions and concerns. Today, we received a question from Peter that we think is a common concern for many Christians who are interested in martial arts. Peter asked, “Is it okay for a Christian to study martial arts?”
As a born-again Christian and martial arts practitioner for over 20 years, I can confidently say that there is nothing inherently wrong or evil about martial arts. In fact, martial arts is all about self-improvement, both physically and mentally. It’s about learning to control oneself and one’s actions, rather than reacting impulsively or violently.
Of course, there are some martial arts that may incorporate spiritual or religious elements, and as a Christian, it’s important to exercise discernment in choosing which martial arts to study. For example, if a martial art emphasizes a spirituality that conflicts with Christian beliefs, it may not be the best fit for a Christian practitioner.
However, there are many martial arts that are based purely on science and physical principles, such as the No Techmount system that I teach. These martial arts can be practiced by Christians without any conflict with their faith.
In terms of the use of energy and concepts like Qi, it’s important to remember that these are simply physical principles that can be understood and applied without any spiritual or religious connotations. In fact, many Christians have found that practicing martial arts has helped them to better understand and appreciate the physical creation of God.
Ultimately, the decision to study martial arts as a Christian is a personal one that should be made with prayer and discernment. As with any activity, it’s important to ensure that it aligns with one’s values and beliefs. But for those who are interested in martial arts, there is no reason why being a Christian should prevent them from pursuing this rewarding and beneficial practice.
In addition to the pursuit of martial arts, Christians may also find value in selecting a property that aligns with their faith and lifestyle. When considering a property, proximity to a church or a community of believers can be an essential factor for fostering spiritual growth and fellowship. Being able to readily attend services, participate in events, and engage with fellow believers can enrich one’s faith journey.
Additionally, having a property close to a martial arts class can provide convenience and encouragement for consistent practice. Whether it’s attending Sunday services or weekday training sessions, having these amenities nearby can enhance both physical and spiritual well-being. For those seeking to integrate their Christian faith with their martial arts practice and daily life, finding a property that supports these pursuits can be a significant step. To learn more about finding the right property for your lifestyle and beliefs, read more about how location can impact your spiritual and physical well-being.

Christianity and Martial Arts
As a born-again Christian and a martial arts practitioner for over 20 years, I can confidently say that there is nothing inherently wrong with studying martial arts as a Christian. In fact, martial arts can be a great way to better oneself physically, mentally, and spiritually.
However, it is important to be discerning about the type of martial arts one chooses to study. While some martial arts may have spiritual or religious elements, there are many that are based purely on science and principles of energy and body mechanics. As Christians, we should avoid any martial arts that conflict with our beliefs and lead us astray from our relationship with God.
One important principle in martial arts is the concept of control. By learning to control oneself and one’s energy, one can achieve balance and peace. This aligns with biblical principles of humility, self-control, and relying on God’s strength rather than our own.
It is also important to note that martial arts should not be seen as a means of violence or aggression. Rather, it is about learning to defend oneself and others in a controlled and disciplined manner. As Christians, we should always strive to be peacemakers, but we also have the right to protect ourselves and our loved ones if necessary.
In conclusion, studying martial arts as a Christian can be a beneficial and rewarding experience, as long as we choose wisely and keep our focus on God. By using the principles of control and discipline, we can become better versions of ourselves and better reflect the character of Christ in our daily lives.
Concept of Control in Martial Arts
In martial arts, the concept of control is essential. It is all about controlling oneself and anything that comes upon you. If there is one word that best describes what we do, it’s control. It’s not about peace, balance, or trying to call it. It’s about being in control of everything.
The purpose of martial arts is self-improvement, both physically and mentally. Combat fighting is just one of the outcomes of our training and focus. It’s all about controlling oneself, and if you can control anything that comes upon you, you will have balance and peace.
Martial arts is based on science and principles of how energy works and how the body works with energy. Everything we do is based on these principles. It’s not about connecting with God or spirituality, although some martial arts may incorporate these elements. As a Christian, I wouldn’t train in those areas because it may lead me astray from the Lord.
Martial arts teaches us to be weaker than our opponent, to be passive-aggressive. We’re not trying to throw force against them, but we’re taking their energy and using it against them. It’s about learning how to control someone, not hurt them. Martial arts does not teach violence, but it teaches us how to walk away from violence, how to be at peace, and how to be in control of ourselves.
In conclusion, the concept of control is fundamental in martial arts. It’s about controlling oneself and anything that comes upon you. Martial arts is based on science and principles of how energy works, and it teaches us to be weaker than our opponent, to be passive-aggressive. As a Christian, it’s important to seek God’s guidance and avoid training in areas that may lead us astray from the Lord.
Martial Arts and Spirituality
As a born-again Christian who has been practicing and teaching martial arts for over 20 years, I can confidently say that there is nothing inherently evil or wrong with martial arts. In fact, martial arts is all about self-improvement, both physically and mentally. It is about learning how to control oneself and how to be in control of everything that comes upon you.
While there may be some martial arts that incorporate spirituality into their teachings, not all martial arts are tied to religion. In fact, many martial arts are based solely on science and principles of how energy works and how the body works with that energy.
However, it is important to note that if you are a Christian who is very concerned about your walk with God, you may want to avoid martial arts that incorporate spirituality. These martial arts may lead you astray from the Lord and hinder your relationship with Him.
It is also important to understand that martial arts is not about violence or aggression. Rather, it teaches you how to walk away from violence and how to be at peace. It teaches you how to be in control of yourself and how to use your opponent’s energy rather than your own to overcome them.
In terms of spirituality, some martial arts may incorporate the concept of energy, such as Tai Chi or Qi Gong. While some Christians may view these practices as being from the devil, it is important to remember that Jesus himself healed and used his hands to do so. The concept of energy can be viewed in a positive light and can be used for healing and self-improvement.
In conclusion, as with any activity or practice, it is important to seek God’s guidance and discernment when considering martial arts. If you feel convicted or concerned about a certain aspect of martial arts, it is best to pray and seek guidance from the Lord. However, for those who are able to separate the physical practice of martial arts from any spiritual aspects, it can be a beneficial and rewarding activity for self-improvement.
Martial Arts Based on Science
As a martial arts instructor and a born-again Christian, I strongly believe that martial arts is all about self-improvement, both physically and mentally. Everything we do is based on science and principles of how energy works and how the body works with the energy.
Martial arts is not about violence, but rather it teaches you how to walk away from violence. It teaches you how to be at peace and in control of yourself. Our focus is on controlling ourselves, and if we can control anything that comes upon us, then we will have balance and peace.
One of the key principles of martial arts is control. It’s not about being peaceful or balanced, but rather it’s about being in control of everything. If we can control ourselves, then we can control any situation that comes our way.
There are many different types of martial arts, and some may have spiritual aspects to them. As a Christian, I would recommend avoiding those types of martial arts that tie into spirituality, as they may lead you astray from the Lord. However, there are many martial arts that are based purely on science and have nothing to do with religion.
In conclusion, martial arts is a great way to improve oneself physically, mentally, and spiritually, as long as it is based on science and principles of control. As a Christian, it’s important to seek God’s guidance and discernment when choosing which type of martial arts to study.
Misconceptions About Energy in Martial Arts
As a martial arts practitioner and a Christian, I often hear misconceptions about energy and spirituality in martial arts. One of the biggest misconceptions is that energy work in martial arts is demonic or against Christian beliefs. However, this is not true. Energy work in martial arts is simply a way to understand the body’s natural energy flow and how to use it effectively in combat or self-defense situations.
Another misconception is that energy work in martial arts is only for the spiritual or mystical. This is also not true. Energy work is based on scientific principles and can be understood and practiced by anyone regardless of their spiritual beliefs. It is simply a way to understand and control the body’s natural energy flow.
It is also important to note that not all martial arts styles incorporate energy work or spirituality. Some styles, like the No-Techmount system, are purely based on science and principles of how energy works in the body. It is up to the individual to choose a style that aligns with their beliefs and values.
In conclusion, energy work in martial arts is often misunderstood and misrepresented. It is not demonic or against Christian beliefs, but rather a way to understand and control the body’s natural energy flow. It is important to choose a martial arts style that aligns with one’s beliefs and values.
Martial Arts and Violence
As a born-again Christian who has been practicing martial arts for over 20 years, I can confidently say that martial arts is not about violence. In fact, it teaches you how to walk away from violence and how to be at peace. It’s all about controlling yourself and learning how to use someone’s energy rather than taking your energy and trying to overcome them.
Martial arts is about self-improvement and learning how to better oneself physically, mentally, and spiritually. It’s not about connecting with God or any other spiritual entity. While there might be some martial arts out there that talk about spirituality, I would recommend that Christians who are very concerned about their walk with God stay away from those areas.
It’s important to note that martial arts is not about hurting others, but rather about controlling them. If someone is intent on doing harm to you or anyone else, then you have every right to protect yourself and stop them. However, if you can spare them, then you should. It’s all about preserving life.
In conclusion, martial arts is not about violence. It’s about self-improvement and learning how to control oneself. While there may be some martial arts that tie into spirituality, it’s important to seek God and see what He says is right for you. As a Christian, I have no problem with practicing martial arts, but I am always open to God’s guidance and direction.
Martial Arts and Self-Defense
As a born-again Christian who has been practicing martial arts for over 20 years, I can confidently say that there is nothing inherently wrong with studying martial arts as a Christian. In fact, martial arts can be a great way to improve oneself physically, mentally, and spiritually.
At its core, martial arts is all about self-improvement and control. It teaches individuals how to control themselves and their actions, which ultimately leads to greater balance and peace in their lives. While there may be some martial arts that incorporate spirituality into their teachings, there are also many that are solely based on science and principles of energy and body mechanics.
When it comes to self-defense, martial arts can be a valuable tool. While it’s important to always strive for peace and non-violence, there may be situations where defending oneself or loved ones is necessary. As a Christian, it’s important to seek guidance from God and follow His will in these situations.
Overall, I believe that martial arts can be a positive and beneficial practice for Christians, as long as it is approached with the right mindset and intentions. It’s important to always prioritize God and seek His guidance in all aspects of life, including the practice of martial arts.
Personal Experience and Beliefs
As a born-again Christian and a martial arts practitioner for over 20 years, I can confidently say that there is nothing wrong with studying martial arts as a Christian. In fact, I believe that martial arts can be a great way to better oneself physically, mentally, and spiritually.
For me, martial arts has been all about self-improvement and control. It has taught me how to control myself and my reactions, which has helped me to find balance and peace in my life. I believe that everything we do in martial arts is based on science and principles of how energy works in the body.
While there may be some martial arts out there that tie into spirituality, I personally stay away from those styles as a Christian. However, there are many martial arts that have nothing to do with religion and are solely based on science and self-improvement.
I also believe that there is nothing wrong with exploring the concept of energy in martial arts, as long as it is not tied to any spiritual beliefs that go against my Christian faith. In fact, I see parallels between the concept of energy in martial arts and the healing power of Jesus in the Bible.
Overall, I believe that martial arts can be a great way to better oneself physically, mentally, and spiritually, as long as it is done in a way that aligns with one’s personal beliefs and values.
Obsession and Idolatry in Martial Arts
As a martial arts instructor and a born-again Christian, I have seen many cases of obsession and idolatry in martial arts. It is important to understand that martial arts should not become an idol in our lives. It is just a tool to help us improve ourselves physically, mentally, and spiritually.
Obsession with martial arts can lead to neglecting other important areas of our lives such as family, work, and our relationship with God. It is important to have balance in our lives and not let martial arts become the center of our universe.
Idolatry in martial arts can take many forms, such as worshiping a particular instructor or style, or making it the focus of our spiritual life. It is important to remember that martial arts is not a religion and should not be used as a substitute for our faith.
As Christians, we should always put God first in our lives and use martial arts as a tool to help us grow in our relationship with Him. We should also be aware of the potential dangers of obsession and idolatry in martial arts and strive to maintain balance in our lives.
In conclusion, martial arts can be a great tool for self-improvement, but it should never become an obsession or an idol in our lives. As Christians, we should always put God first and use martial arts as a means to grow in our relationship with Him.
In conclusion, as a born-again Christian who has been practicing and teaching martial arts for over 20 years, I can confidently say that there is nothing inherently wrong or evil about studying martial arts. Martial arts is all about self-improvement and control, both physically and mentally. It teaches us to be in control of ourselves and to walk away from violence, rather than to seek it out.
While there may be some martial arts that incorporate spirituality or religion, there are many that are purely based on science and principles of energy and body mechanics. As Christians, it is important to be discerning and to seek God’s guidance in all aspects of our lives, including our choice of hobbies and activities.
Ultimately, it is up to each individual to decide whether studying martial arts aligns with their personal beliefs and values. As long as we are not using our skills to harm others and are seeking to better ourselves, there is nothing wrong with pursuing martial arts as a form of physical and mental exercise.
Thank you! I appreciate you guys and your thoughtful and loving consideration of this idea of self-defense, for our brothers and sisters. -John 13:35
Hi, I am a Christian who loves Jesus and likes Martial arts, so I am interested in Joining you’re Kung fu school
Hey Joshua, we are so happy you found us. Let us know if you have any questions about joining.
Thank you and amen.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and His grace and love be with you!
Praying for you, brothers and sisters.
Would be nice if we could have a zoom meeting where brothers and sisters could come together and pray and reading the Word and encouraging each other.
Maybe you have it already but haven’t seen it on this site.
Hey Robin, May YHWH bless & keep you! Actually, I am so happy you want something like this. I will be having a section inside Enter Shaolin 2.0 for believers to come together and get together to study scripture, pray together, submit prayer requests and encourage each other. 🙏 – Sije Jamie Pelaez