Before we go forward with this week’s Enter Shaolin update, I just wanted to congratulate you again for making the decision to take your Kung Fu training to the next level with us.
If you have been following these updates, then you know that we have said that you can do 2/3 of your training online. The only thing you can’t really do via learning Kung Fu Online is train with real resistant energy. In other words, training your sensitivity.
Developing Your Sensitivity as a Martial Artist
While we highly recommend that you find yourself a training partner. It is very possible even with a training partner you could be doing stuff wrong. The reason is that you don’t know what you don’t know. Maybe you think you aren’t using muscle to get your techniques to work, when indeed you may be. Instead of having 3 P.R.O.O.F., meaning your structure & your energy could be in the wrong spot.
This is why we feel it is very important for you to come to as many seminars we host as possible because it’s at the seminars where you can personally feel what right feels like and what wrong feels like. This my friend, is key to training correctly with a training partner. And if you don’t have a partner, the seminars are a great opportunity for you to learn the same and work with many different energies.
If you don’t know what feels right then you end up guessing if what you are doing is right or wrong to some extent. What you learn at our seminars you will be able to apply to your training with your training partner(s) as soon as you get back from the seminar and in your personal training as well.
The corrections you learn at the seminars will help you make gains faster. This is why it’s critical that you get to them.
Besides developing better sensitivity at our seminars you will also get to fellowship with like-minded people which in of itself is powerful. Maybe you already know that our seminars are life-changing for those that attend and you really want to come but you don’t know how to make it happen…
It’s been my experience that you just have to take action and make it happen. I am pretty sure that you want to attend our next seminar, so find a way and just do it. You won’t regret it, in fact we haven’t had one person that came that hasn’t had an amazing time for a reason!
Our seminars are no-nonsense seminars where we give out a lot of knowledge, help you implement it and jam pack your time with practical and useful tools to take home.
So decide today that you are coming to train with us at the end of November because you owe yourself the opportunity to take your skill to the next level.
You can get all the details you need by clicking the link below.
=>Ngo Dac Na Washington D.C. Seminar 2018<=
WATCH | This Week’s Kung Fu Q&A Replay
If you are coming to the seminar, give us a shoutout in the comments below! We are looking forward to seeing you all!
Now on to your training…
What’s New In The Training Hall This Week:
(ACCESS LEVEL: Junior, Senior & Abbot)
Ngo Dac Na
- Solo Training | Get Your Drive
- Solo Training | Pivoting From The Thumb
- Tactical Pen | Quick Hitting Techniques
Happy Training,
Sifu Larry Rivera
& The Enter Shaolin Family
P.S. We our Sifu Phu & Sije Jamie birthday sale going on if you would like to join Enter Shaolin our upgrade your current membership, this will be the last time to get these prices so get yours while you can here: and use coupon code BDAY40 to get 40% off any membership.
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