Enter Shaolin Update | All The Hustle And Bustle
Hi family, this time of year everyone is busy running around making plans to spend time with family, etc. I want to take a moment this week to give you a friendly reminder to make sure you balance out your festivities with remembering to eat your fruits, veggies and drink extra water. Make sure you take some time out and keep up with your training. Even … [Read more...]
Enter Shaolin Update | Qigong for Wellness, Sifu Phu Interview, Webinar Replays Plus New Training
Hey family, how are you? Sorry, we did not get the update out last week. We've been dealing with a lot of learning behind the scenes implementing new equipment and procedures to enhance what we currently do here at Enter Shaolin. So this week we have a lot more content than normal to make up for it just a bit... ;) First up I had the honor of doing an … [Read more...]
Enter Shaolin Update | Tunnel Vision Can Halt Your Training Progress
Hey family, how are you? This week Sije Jamie had a lot customer service calls. I appreciate the fact that she does them because I am not really a customer service type of person. I do however pay attention to what the conversations are about. Often times we talk about how people don't actually realize what they have access to or how it really can help … [Read more...]
Enter Shaolin Update | Winning The War Against Stress
Hey family, today I want to take this time to talk about what is really important to us here at Enter Shaolin. The most important thing for us to get across to you is just how important it is to have a game plan for your health and wellness. Did you know: 110 million people die every year as a direct result of stress. That is 7 people every 2 seconds. The … [Read more...]