Hey family, how are you doing this week?
As I was teaching this week, I was reminded how frustrating it can be when you are trying to learn something that makes sense and looks like it should be easy to learn.
What happens though is when you go to attempt to learn it, it seems like the hardest thing to do. I remember when I first started training I struggled with the things that where being taught to me.
I wanted to quit so many times. The reason I never gave up to be honest is because I am stubborn and when I got back into Martial Arts, I decided I was never quitting again. If there is one thing you can do right now to assure your success in your Kung Fu Journey, it’s just being consistent in your training and making the commitment to be in it for life.
Because you have access to Enter Shaolin, you can train whenever it’s convenient for you to do so. You can train as often or as little as you are comfortable with. The only thing you need to put into your mind is that you won’t give up on yourself.
Kung Fu isn’t easy to learn, it requires your mind, body and spirit to be aligned and to learn things that you may have never thought about before. The truth is you will never know everything, even Sifu Phu is constantly learning new things.
I was asked before if I am still learning from Sifu Phu and the answer is YES! I still feel like a beginner when I train with him, it’s crazy!
Here’s the thing, there is always a higher level to learn in what we do. Just when you think you got somewhere you quickly realize you still have so much more to learn.
The good news is though, if you compare yourself to the average person and by average I mean the person who doesn’t train at all… Then you will realize just how far you have come. Because, everyday you train your skill increases. Sometimes you make huge skill gains and other times your gains are small. It doesn’t matter though, because even your small gains are more than the person who is not training.
We don’t measure our skill gains in months or years. We measure it by decades. Here is even better news! You don’t have to be gifted, athletic or a genius to master your art. You simply have to decide to be consistent in your training for the rest of your life. To be honest that’s why I feel the Abbot membership here at Enter Shaolin is the best investment you can make in your life. One of the reasons I say that is because I can never in anyway repay Sifu Phu back for teaching me how energy works.
It is knowledge and skill that he taught me that can never be taken away from me. It’s truly priceless. You can take everything away from me, but you can never take that away from me.
When I look at it that way, the Abbot membership should cost at least $125,000, which is roughly how much I have spent to learn what Enter Shaolin has to offer. Even then, it’s still selling it short as I am still learning an growing and yes paying for my time with Sifu. But, we aren’t even charging 2% of that! It’s crazy to think about it when we put it into perspective like that.
We do have sales from time to time to help people of all budgets access the training as we really do want to help as many people as we can. If you made the commitment to yourself that this isn’t just going to be a hobby, but rather a lifestyle then you really should get the Abbot membership today or start saving if that’s what you gotta do. Don’t worry about us going out of business, this is our passion and our legacy.
The only reason Enter Shaolin would go away is because the internet went away. If that happens I am pretty sure we have bigger problems to worry about and like Sije Jamie says, “When that happens, it’s time for us all to ban together.”
Anyhow, family have a great weekend and take comfort in knowing that we all have struggled and still struggle with progressing. It’s just a natural part of your Kung Fu journey and life. It’s the rough spots that make the good so much sweeter.
There is no breakthrough without a breakdown – Tony Robbins
Now on to your training…
Your Free Training Hall Video Of The Week:
Ngo Dac Na Seminars
What’s New In The Training Hall This Week:
(ACCESS LEVEL: Junior, Senior and Abbot)
C.O.R.E. Training
Ngo Dac Na
Happy Training,
Sifu Larry Rivera
& The Enter Shaolin Family
P.S. Remember when you feel that you are struggling or you feel like you aren’t getting anywhere, that means you are about to have a major breakthrough. It is during this time that people start giving up. Little do they know that what they where looking for was within their reach and right around the corner.
Sifu Larry is hundred percent right. I’m not a rich man and I scrimped and saved to join as an Abbot member. It was so worth it. There is a very deep reservoir of Martial Arts knowledge on the site and I’m constantly finding new things. I am mostly into Tai Chi However, all the other knowledge taught on this site dovetails to improve my tai chi and myself as a person. I’m very grateful to Enter Shaolin.
Thanks Steve! And Thanks for purchasing an Abbot Membership 🙂
Thank you for this Sifu Larry! I still feel like a beginner with my training but I know I have the means to improve every day.
You’re welcome Virginia. 🙂