In this update I want to take some time out to just say thank you to each and every one of you. Thank you for being a family member, thank you for watching our videos on YouTube. Thank you for supporting us on Patreon.
Thank you from the very core of my being. Here at Enter Shaolin we are in a constant state of growth, which means we are always having growing pains.
Watch this video we made for you…
Sije Jamie just got back from visiting and helping her family down in Florida. She had each of us make a short video of why we are grateful for our Enter Shaolin Family and a special offer we decided to run until the end of the month. Check it out here.
Feel free to pass this offer on and if you are a member of Enter Shaolin and would like to give the gift of Enter Shaolin, then simply login first and then go to the button above.
At checkout, you will see an option to check if this is a gift. If you do not see it, then you are not logged in. Once you do and finish checking out you will get a gift link to share with your special someone.

We personally cannot think of a greater gift to give, but we may be a little biased… Just maybe. 😉
The Holiday Season

You only have to blink your eyes and we go through Fall to the end of the year. Like literally in a blink of an eye. For me this time of year is about reflecting on my past. Where I have been and where I am going.
First and foremost I am grateful for all the opportunities The Great I Am has put into my life. I have healthy children and am blessed to be able to serve you all here at Enter Shaolin doing what I love.
Even in times like the ones we are currently living in, I am grateful just to be able to wake up. Last year I was faced with the worst news I have ever gotten in my entire life. That is being told I had cancer.
Getting Cancer, Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma to be more exact has been a life-changing experience for me. I remember lying awake at night being flooded with memories of my life. All I can say is I have so much gratitude for the people in my life and for the life I have that I don’t actually have the words to express it.

And you, my friend, are a big part of my gratitude. I can’t thank you enough for believing in what we do. We get tons of emails from people who are grateful for what we do, which just makes us all here at Enter Shaolin feel even more grateful for the opportunity to serve you.
At the end of the day, Enter Shaolin is a dream come true for me. I remember 25 years ago when I met Sifu Phu. Back then I couldn’t put my finger on it, but I knew he was teaching me something different than what I had already learned.
So much so that I couldn’t find what he was doing anywhere else in the United States. I mean I found Wing Chun Schools, Tai Chi schools but I never found a place where they actually taught the why’s and why not’s of doing something. Not to mention learning the physics & energy principles of the Internal Arts.
It is my greatest privilege to be able to share this incredible knowledge with all of you. Thank you for helping us to keep spreading this knowledge all over the world.
What are you grateful for? Let us know in the comments below.
Now on to your training…
New Kung Fu Training This Week:
Free for All:
Ngo Dac Na Bonus Videos From YouTube Premium & Patreon:
- Sealing The Fate (Patreon)
- Sparring Tips (YouTube Premium)
==> ACCESS LEVEL: Lite, Junior, Senior & Abbot <==
Wing Chun
Tai Chi
Happy Training,
Sifu Larry Rivera
& The Enter Shaolin Family

I am so very grateful for what you all have put together here at Enter Shaolin! It is coming up on 3 years since I joined as an abbot member, and it has truly been one of the best decisions ever. The library of knowledge that you have catalogued here is just outrageous, in the best possible sense!
Thanks Greg! We love having you hear with us 🙂
Im grateful for enter shaolin. I feel blessed to have found si fu phu yrs ago that sparked my love for ndn and am grateful for yrs later finding enter shaolin it has given me so much un the 9 mnths ive been here on this site. Enter shaolin this is just the start of the lives your going to impact. Thank you guys god bless
Thanks John! We appreciate your support!