In this update I want to take some time out to just say thank you to each and every one of you. Thank you for being a family member, thank you for watching our videos on YouTube. Thank you for supporting us on Patreon. Thank you from the very core of my being. Here at Enter Shaolin we are in a constant state of growth, which means we are always having … [Read more...]
Wing Chun | How Long Should You Train Sil Lum Tao Before Starting Chum Kiu
The style of Wing Chun basically consist of 3 forms. Sil Lum Tao, Chum Kiu and Biu Gee. This post I am going to talk about when is it the right time to start training in Chum Kiu.Over the years I have seen people come and go. I never understood why someone would make a decision to learn a martial art and instead of being a good student they feel that they … [Read more...]
Enter Shaolin Update | Moving Forward While Taking A Step Back
Hey family! How are you? If you missed last week's update on Qigong Reflections, check it out here... We had a good week moving full steam ahead with our team members. Some of the biggest things we are working on behind the scenes is making the site faster and more efficient for you to use. This upcoming week Sije Jamie is going to be moving our … [Read more...]
Enter Shaolin Update | Creating Your Own Independence, Webinar Replay and Chum Kiu
Hey family, how are you? How's your training? Let me know in the comment section below this post! This week we have been dealing with some more technical difficulties behind the scenes. Thankfully we have got most of them squared away and are working on implementing more fixes this upcoming week to make the site work and move more smoothly for all! I … [Read more...]
Wing Chun Training Online | Chum Kiu | Basic Understanding Of Closed Bridge To Open Bridge
Maybe you are already a member of Enter Shaolin or you are just searching around the web looking for more Wing Chun training, either way you came to the right place. Wing Chun is known for its close quarter fighting ability. Because of teachers like Ip Man who taught the late Bruce Lee, this amazing martial art has managed to captivate a generation. People … [Read more...]