Hey Family! Welcome to another edition of our weekly updates. Hopefully you had a chance to check out the video we shot for you earlier this week. If you haven’t you can watch that here. We plan on doing these types of videos weekly or biweekly at a bare minimum.
This week I want to talk you about getting your Kung Fu into your subconscious mind. Because as you know we want our martial art to become part of who we are, so this way our techniques become second nature.
So how do we turn something that doesn’t feel natural into something that feels natural? We do this by integrating our training into our daily lives.
For example: Opening doors, driving, bending down to pick up something or weaving in and out of people using footwork at a store.
There a ton of ways you can integrate your Kung Fu training into your daily life. What I would like you to do this week is pause before you do something and ask yourself how you can do whatever it is in a way that reflects your martial arts training.
For example: Before you pick up your car keys to go somewhere think about moving your arm from your wrist first. When you are about to close a door try closing it by snapping your wrist or putting your knuckles on the door and closing the door with your fist.
Ultimately the more ways you can find to integrate your martial arts training into your daily life. the easier it will be for these habits to become second nature.
Here’s a Video Sifu Phu did for YouTube talking about this very subject 🙂
Now on to your training…
Here’s Your New Enter Shaolin Training:
Ngo Dac Na
C.O.R.E. Training
Happy Training,
Sifu Larry Rivera
& The Enter Shaolin Family
Good video
Glad you enjoyed it!