Hey family! How are you this week? Be sure to let us know in the comments section below!
This week went by super fast and we didn’t get as much out via our social media outlets as we did the previous week, but no worries we still got some goodies for you. 😉 I can’t wait till the quick tip video we filmed today goes out to you among other goodies we will be sharing. Next week we have a midweek update for you as well, so plenty to look forward to!
There are so many changes and updates going on in our lives with Enter Shaolin as well as our personal. Lots of tweaking, updating, renewing and growth!
Sifu Larry and I have been talking and it’s like we have this huge mountain in front of us, but we know the path we have to travel and what obstacles are ahead, now we just have to go cross them and climb the mountain to get through to the other side. 🙂
I have had a lot of epiphanies this week which I attribute to the spiritual, physical and mental work I have been doing. It’s awesome to gain clarity on past hangups and be able to release them and to be able so see just how far you have come. While there is much more work to be done, I am confident with the systems I have in place currently and the ones I will be implementing as the weeks progress that nothing is impossible. Not only do I know I have the energy and time to get these things done thanks to these new systems, but I am also super excited to tackle this mountain of hurdles!
One of those is our Roku channel. I got the graphics done and now we are working on placing the content in and figuring out just what we want to display on it and how. It’s a learning curve, but I know it is worth it and will give us a way to share Enter Shaolin and our teachings with an audience we may not have reached any other way.
We have big things planned and in order to make those plans a reality, we have to keep spreading the word of Enter Shaolin. Without awesome members such as you, we couldn’t take these steps, so thank you again for supporting our vision!
The past few weeks, Sifu Larry has been having me work on some new skills…
Like this Chum Kiu drill using the bong sao:
Working with the bong sao.#kungfu #wingchun #martialarts #selfdefense pic.twitter.com/FlfwEgVdal
— Enter Shaolin (@EnterShaolin) April 12, 2016
It’s a simple drill that you could do solo if you don’t have a partner. Just practice in the air with the forward and backward movement or with a jong or Wing Chun rice trainer moving only left to right with your feet movements. Basically, there is rarely an excuse for you not to find a way to train even without a partner as most of your training can be done solo easily and other times with a bit of creativity. 😉
This week’s quote/theme is by Wei Zheng:
“Hear all sides and you will be enlightened. Hear one side, and you will be in the dark.” – Wei Zheng
This reminds me of how you can learn something from anyone, if you just listen and pay attention. It might be what to do or what not to do, but the point is that you can learn something from anyone and anything if you are open to receive that is! 😉
Which reminds me of my last training post and how someone commented on it and was clearly not open to learning from Sifu Larry for whatever reason. At the end of the day it is their loss as many find the value from learning from both of our awesome Sifu’s as well as our training partners. There is always something to learn and grow from and I hope that person found something to learn and grow from in this situation too. 🙂
Also this week we put together a trailer for an upcoming seminar Sifu Phu is doing in Israel. I am still waiting on the details so I can pass them along for those that want to attend. As soon as I get them, I will let you know of course!
Check out our seminar trailer here:
Last but not least we tried the Facebook Live feed to share a teaser from our next webinar, some more growth and learning! 😉
Here is a preview of the Sil Lum Tao Part 8 webinar:
We also learned with FB live feeds, even if you film horizontally on your phone, it still puts us in a box… Not cool Facebook, not cool! LOL
We hope you enjoyed the teaser and got some great tips to help you improve your Sil Lum Tao. We will let you know next week when the full version will be released. 😉
Now on to your training…
Here’s Your New Enter Shaolin Training:
Tai Chi
C.O.R.E. Training
Ngo Dac Na
Blessings & Happy Training,
Jamie Pelaez
& The Enter Shaolin Family
P: 1-844-9-KUNGFU
I like the elbow drill Jamie was doing; however, in San Soo we step in, not back. We rarely step back when in defense mode. We start with our hands in front of our body in a “stop I don’t want to fight” position. When the strike comes in we “get out f the way” by pivoting in front of the opponent which creates a rotational force when the elbow comes around. We can use the elbow to redirect the strike up, down, left or right. If we redirect a right punch with our left elbow above her elbow the opponent will turn left exposing liver, ribs, even kidneys. There are more techniques we use with the elbow, such as striking down to a target on the head, neck, or check a right punch with our left forearm simultaneously striking her ribs with our right elbow. At that point our left back fist might strike a target on the face, or left hand “knife edge” to the neck, perhaps rake the eyes; it’s “dealer’s choice” now. Our power comes from the rotation of our body as we rotate into a “cat stance” while maintaining control of our center (foundation). Anyway, my two centavos (that Polish for cents…I think).
That’s awesome!
This particular drill is help the person learn muscle memory. I would say this is neither an offensive position or defensive position, rather it’s just learning how to move the arms together and it’s teaching them to receive energy. Also, this was only a 15 sec clip of a 45 minute training session.
I like the drill!
Loved the seminar trailer and the webinar preview! Thanks. I bet Sifu is going to amaze them in Israel!
Thank you Mark and God willing he will! 🙂
Your videos are great. Thank you for all the the valuable information you share. Could you tell me if Enter Shaolin sells dvds?
Thank you Jason! Not yet! However, that is a plan of ours for this year. It’s just a matter of getting the funds to make it happen. We are working on it!
thanks for your time and to share your knowledge , its help me to have a better tecnique , greetings from CHile!
Glad you enjoyed the update Juan! Blessings to you and yours brother!
I second what Desert dragon and Larry is saying. These type of drills are always good for muscle memory, but stepping backwards will allow the other person’s force to overcome you easier. Better to turn the waist and step to the side keeping forward momentum. This may sound like it is being picky, but remember that bad habits are hard to break, better to fix things early on in the process. I can’t speak for everybody, but any criticisms, positive or negative is done with love and respect for you guys and what you are doing with Enter Shaolin. Good application drill for Chum Kiu.
Hey David, yes bad habits are hard to break, but this wasn’t a bad habit moment. I am really confused to why you think I am stepping backwards without turning to the side and using my waist. As in this drill if you look at it again while I am going backwards which for this drill I am suppose to be, at the same time I am turning to a side neutral and indeed using my waist to do so. So I am stepping to the side and am not losing any forward momentum as I am receiving almost like a catcher’s mitt my partner’s strike. Which if we were sparring I could then take his energy and easily return it because I am not falling backwards, I am moving backwards and to the side to deflect him off of me. While you don’t always need to go backwards, in moments you do and usually when that happens you would go backwards and to the side at the same time to not fall backwards.
Think of the B.A.B.E. (Blend and Bend Energy) which in this drill I am catching his energy and deflecting it off at the same time. If you try the drill you will see how if we continued from this motion I could easily play off the bong sao and strike him without falling backwards or losing any momentum.
Hopefully my explanation does Sifu Larry’s drill justice. 😉 Blessings brother!
I get what you are saying, and will say your bong sau deflections look nice. Would love to see that drill with some counter strikes.
Thank you brother!
I will talk to Sifu Larry and see if we can make an actual lesson for the site with some counter strikes to illustrate what I mean. 🙂 Great idea!