The music you hear in the video is from the soundtrack "The Last Samurai." When it comes to your training I want you to think outside of the box and the norms. There is only 1 truth when it comes to most things. There are many roads that lead to the truth.For us our tagline says it all: "Don't Let Style Define You, Let Energy Refine You"Do You Really Need To … [Read more...]
Cycling Sensitivity Drill
Hey fam, so a little back story of this cycling sensitivity drill... There were actually about 8 or so minutes of this mini-lesson before Sije Jamie started recording. She said that she couldn't let another minute go by where this wasn't filmed.I am glad she grabbed it because it goes in line with a lesson I am working on for the VIP course that I will be … [Read more...]
Abbot Member Anthony’s First Sil Lum Tao Critique
Sil Lum Tao Voice Over CritiqueHere is the video critique from Sifu Phu Ngo with training tips for Anthony: … [Read more...]
Wing Chun | How Long Should You Train Sil Lum Tao Before Starting Chum Kiu
The style of Wing Chun basically consist of 3 forms. Sil Lum Tao, Chum Kiu and Biu Gee. This post I am going to talk about when is it the right time to start training in Chum Kiu.Over the years I have seen people come and go. I never understood why someone would make a decision to learn a martial art and instead of being a good student they feel that they … [Read more...]
Abbot Member Steve’s Sil Lum Tao Critique
Sil Lum Tao Voice Over: Training Tips From Sifu Phu: … [Read more...]