Basic Ground Fighting Techniques
In these short videos on ground fighting, Sifu reveals some golden nuggets of truth. I found this video sitting on my old video camera and I am glad I took the time to go back and organize my footage. I believe I recorded this one back in 2009. I am not sure why it never made it to our YouTube channel…
However, I figured I better share it with you!
I have often heard people from various ground fighting camps say that Kung Fu doesn’t work on resisting opponents. I know for a fact that part way through this video you can clearly see Bill (the guy being demonstrated) stopped cooperating.
He was countering, while Sifu was giving a lesson. He got a little froggy as Jamie would say it. 😉 What is interesting is how even though Sifu was dealing with an uncooperative person, he still managed to control the situation while continuing to teach at the same time.
If you ask me… I’d say… That’s wild!
This video is also a good example of sending a person’s energy back into them in basic ground fighting. This is very effective when dealing with bigger and/or stronger opponents.
Thanks for the tip you guys are good teachers you give good advice and information and its a pleasure watching the demonstrations .
Thank you Samantha, we are grateful you are enjoying our teachings! 🙂
wow impresionate .
Wonderful non stressful movements of fluidity.
Yup that guy was getting serious, glad Sifu Phu managed to stopped him.
Thank you. That is an awesome video. I love how Sifu is in total control of the situation and never loses his cool! Even with this unruly customer. And the guy taps out pretty quick.
I totally agree, Rick! It’s one of my favorite older videos for that reason. 🙂
I watched ~100 vidz on BJJ/AJJ and found them unrelaxed and stressful.
‘Be Like Watah, my friend’ and then transform at will into a steel Anaconda.
Hey Ajay C Shah, agreed.
Not far-fetched but is that ???? ???? some practioners articulated frequency.
Their vibe hun.
Certain Nipponean practioners have a Salty suit without bowtie for doing business a gray Bo for a dog and a sorry-ass attitude ‘You gonna lose buddy!’ OSS.
That was their frequency. OSU.
The Hoodie can be effective in BJJ Training by somewhat impairing the senses and giving a light feel of a street situation.
Hey Ajay C Shah, anything can be effective if you know how to use it right.
Excess Whining and complaints why upper class are talented and better at JJ/BJJ can lead to execution.
You were nice to him! Very classy! I hope he bought you dinner after that session.
That was scary for me. I would never let anybody hurt my sifu like that. He can handle it but I’m still upset.
You know, in my own practice I don’t mind people trying to throw the kitchen sink at me. For me what bothers me is intention. If the persons intention is to really go after me and try to hurt me I mirror that persons energy. Meaning I give back to the person what they where trying to give me. (Sifu Phu does the same thing). We should make our motto you get what you give lols..
If a person is just working hard for deeper understanding I am okay with training hard and as realistically as you can without anyone getting severely hurt. In fact part of the reason why my skillset got so much better is because many of the people i have taught over the years wanted to push the thresh hold on what they could handle. For many people the reality of a real fight is something they don’t know if they could actually deal with. And until you experience you just don’t know how your body will deal with the changes that occur like your adrenaline getting out of control or loosing your breath.
So in training it is important to test your boundaries and see what you can handle. (There is a difference between working on your skills and just getting the crap beat out of you) the latter doesn’t help develop your skill.
I had the pleasure of playing around with the guy in the video with Sifu. He was one of those people who just didn’t get it. Sifu schooled him, I schooled him, Another one of Sifu’s students schooled him. He didn’t train very long with us. I have noticed the people with the biggest mouths with big chips on their shoulders simply give up when they can’t dominate the situation. A bully is a bully I suppose.