One of the most frustrating things that happen in Kung Fu training is when your opponent is stronger than you and you don’t know how to handle the pressure.
It can be frustrating, to say the least. But no worries, there is a solution to this.
One of the reasons the weaker training partner will find themselves collapsing and not being able to deal with a person’s forward energy is because they are reacting to what they are feeling rather than responding to it.
I wrote a really good article called Response Vs Reaction if you have some free time give it a read, you will find a really good kung fu training drill.
A reaction is something that you do naturally like flinching for example. While a response is something you trained your body to do to replace and overwrite the reaction.

Structure depends on strategy: strategy is determined according to events.” – Cao Cao
Kung fu Training For Women
I often say women can learn how to deal with strength easier than men can. This is because men are taught that having strength is a sign of power, while women know that men are usually stronger and therefore most are not going into a situation thinking they can out muscle the guy. Instead, women rely on their feelings more.
Feeling more helps women to get what Sifu Phu is about to share easier than men. But no worries guys, with practice you will get it too.
The answer to increasing your Kung Fu skill is not about getting stronger, rather it’s about becoming more open to what you are feeling.
In this video, Sifu Phu answer’s a question from one of our members about forwarding energy and intent which will help you to understand how to deal with more pressure or strength.
Check out Understanding How To Deal With A Person’s Forward Energy below:
Contact point means control point” – Sifu Phu Ngo
Here are the key points in this lesson:
- Follow the principles of Yin and Yang
- You need to be rooted to drive energy
- Don’t resist, learn to assist
- Don’t stop energy convert energy
- Attack the point
Strength is only an illusion, it’s only there if you resist” – Sifu Phu Ngo
In order to have the right energy that Sifu is talking about, also refer to our 3 P.R.O.O.F videos for a better understanding of how to find the control point.
Checkout 3 P.R.O.O.F. is Fool Proof below:
If you are already a member of Enter Shaolin, you can learn more about 3 P.R.O.O.F. here:
- Maintaining The 3 P.R.O.O.F. In Motion
- Self Pressure Test (3 P.R.O.O.F.)
- Sifu Phu Ngo’s EUSAIMMA Seminar 2015
Related Kung Fu Training Questions

Can You Teach Yourself Kung Fu?
It’s always better to have a qualified instructor train you. We know here at Enter Shaolin that it’s not always possible to find a Sifu who can help you with your kung fu training.
Thank goodness for modern technology. Because you can start to teach your kung fu training at home by joining sites like this one. When you join us we help you with a kung fu training plan that is right for you.
How Do You Train Real Kung Fu

When someone says they train in kung fu. They could mean many different styles like Praying Mantis, Wushu, Wing Chun, Tai Chi, Bagua, Shaolin 5 animals, and others.
The main thing is to find someone who has a deep understanding of the kung fu style you want to train in.
How Long Is Kung Fu Training?

When it comes to martial arts there isn’t a time frame when you will be done training. For many schools, a person feels like they have trained long enough when they get their black belt or equivalent.
The truth that many instructors leave out is that once you get that top rank what it means is now you are ready to start learning.
This is because as long as you keep on your kung fu training program and you make it a part of your lifestyle you will never stop learning.
In many schools, it only takes 5 years to earn a black belt. Sadly in some schools even less time than that.
After 10 years of training with Sifu Phu, I still felt like a total beginner. So if you are serious about kung fu training then you should also be prepared to make it a lifestyle.
Talk to you soon,
Sifu Larry Rivera
& The Enter Shaolin Family
I see a big improvement in Jaime’s skill. I tell new students not to worry about looking like a dork and not preforming with the fluidity of the other students because those students were once dorks themselves.
I say to you all, keep up the good work!
Thank you Ruben. 🙂
The more you learn, practice and apply, the more you will improve. This goes for all things of course!
Blessings brother!
how to deal with many opponents at a same time
Hi Shan, have you seen our youtube video on dealing with multiple attacks?
Awesome video, very very helpful. I follow all your videos and some watch many times over. I’m very excited to join up in the new year, after the burden of school finances has been lightened. A few items in your store have caught my eye as well ;).
I have always wondered about how to avoid the initiation of an attack. You covered the 4 ways to deal with a push, also very helpful and I have practiced that with a friend many times. As well as how to escape certain holds and attacks. One that I am mainly concerned about is what to do when someone has you pinned up against a wall, whether he is holding you there or about to hit you. What is the best way to escape that? I understand the concept of diverting energy, it just seem to me that it may be more difficult when your pinned against a wall and they are applying pressure. Your response would be so greatly appreciated. And again, loking forward to joining you in the new year.
Hey Joel, so glad you are loving the videos. We did do a video based on being grabbed and pinned to the wall. There are a lot of things one can do to use the wall to your advantage. One instance is the wall will keep you stable and not lose your balance as easy. The other is using it as a weapon. Dodge so his fist can hit the wall, especially if it’s a straight attack.
Awesome 😀 thank you so much for your reply
I am currently a practitioner under the teachings of Shoulin Gung Fu and I wanted to say that it looks like you guys have an awesome teaching and online schooling.
Thanks Wolf! Glad you are enjoying the site.