How Long Should You Train Each Neigong Exercise ?
Ralph says: For the Neigong exercises, Sifu mentions that it should be done for at least 20 minutes. Would that be for every position And if so, um, how many of you procession per night any particular sets to do? Um, 20 minutes is ideal. That’s what you want to go to.
If you could do more, go ahead. Was that for the whole set Yes. Yes. For the whole set ok. For every one in Neigong. You want to at least 20 minutes. It’s time consuming. It takes time. You know 20 minutes if you’re doing five of them that’s a lot of time.
That’s like, what is that So five but three. So I was like an hour and 40 minutes, you know, that’s a long time. So your doing five that’s an hour and 40 minutes right there. So, uh, it’s up to you.
You can do more of, you want to, it’s best they say to do it at night and in the morning if you can, a morning to prepare your body for the day at night to take any stress that you have and release it. So it’s good to do both that way you sleep better.
Firstly, if you had to choose one or the other. I would actually go for the night myself so I could sleep better. I’m more relaxed, I sleep much better and I have more energy throughout the day when I wake up. But if you have trouble sleeping, however, services such as sleep training would be a huge-difference maker.
If you do it during the morning and you get feeling all the stress and you go to bed, your body doesn’t sleep as well. So I prefer the night over the morning, but ideally both are good . Okay. Both. Both doing it morning and night is good.
So um if you. So is it just based on time if you only have 20 minutes, you just do one exercise then , right Yes. So if you could do one in the morning, one at night, perfect. Okay. You know, uh, in terms of whatever sets, they all have value.
So every, anytime of Qigong is actually or a Neigong is has value to you. So pick whichever is comfortable for you. You can alternate it every day. You could do this, this way, You could do this, this way. You could do this another, so you can alternate it.
It’s like you’re going to the gym working on your chest. Right, right working on different muscles! Just hit different angles. Yeah. You don’t have to do all in one day.
You can, you can work it out through the day. Okay. But if you have the time and you want to do them all, go for it. By all means.
What Is Internal Power And Can Meditation Improve It
Alright Sifu Larry sent over from a Emma Riv: Greetings Enter Tai Chi, greetings, I would like to know what exactly is internal power and how does meditation improve this Internal power is learning how to move with your, your body’s connection, your breath, and getting that timing in.
So,um Internal powers is really the difference between external and internal is external has followed throughs. Okay. So best example I can say is like external would be like this and his hands move. Internal is like this, his hand moved because of the energy, not because I have to follow through.
So that’s one of the main differences. Uh, acceleration on point. So when I’m punching externally, I’m following through with probably a speed being constant. Whereas internal you excel it last moment within the last inch or two inches too. Boosts that energy is kind of like, uh, uh, car going fast and then you pop on the nitric lifts and it gives it that extra boost.
That’s Kinda like what you’re trying to do there. Uh, meditation works, it helps because in order to do intel energy, your body must be relaxed. So if you can meditate and learn to relax your body, it aides you in that way. Um, it doesn’t have to be if you train and you’re relaxed already, meditation is just a tool to help aide that.
Where as, Sorry, if, if,if you’re a tense person or if youre a relaxed person , you don’t need it. But if you’re a kind of person that doesn’t know how to relax, then yes, the meditation will help. It also relaxes the mind. Your mind, body, Spirit was one. So if your mind can relax more and you’re not emotionally tense than your body won’t act that way.
So all those things do go into play. They help each other. And so, um, yeah, meditation is a very good thing. You know what medit, what’s the definition of meditation It’s a focus of thought. That’s really what it it so um, don’t stress your mind out your body .
Won’t get stressed out. Relax the mind. Body gets relaxed you understand so um and by doing that, you know, when people think to hit hard, you know, you always see people throw more. You don’t want to hit hard. You want to hit right and hard comes because of it.
So you, you know, when I hit a pad, I don’t worry about how much the guy has to feel it. I would worry about how well I drive that energy and hit the point on it. And the guy feels because of that. Same thing that I tell people, when you lock someone down, don’t think of the takedown, think of a lock, focusing on the lock and the take down curves because of it.
When you’re hitting, don’t think they hit hard things. They hit right and the pilot comes behind it.Yes, yes.
Kung Fu Lesson In Controlling Energy C.O.P. (Consistency Of Pressure)
Lorenzo gomez: Says, what’s the first lesson in controlling energy. Cop, okay. Cop means consistency of pressure. If you can’t have consistency of pressure on contact, you can’t develop the ability to control you’re either collapse or you wind up fighting.
So the first thing that you want to learn to do in control energy is learn How to work with it, not against it or get ahead of it. And what I mean by that is, let’s just say he puts pressure on me. Okay So if he puts pressure on me and I fight, it’s gonna make me bounce off of him.
And especially if he is strong, now we’re going to assume that he is stronger than me. That’s why now if he’s weaker than my fight will break him. But if I’m weaker, I collapsed. So I won’t have the ability influence remember contact point means control point. So the only way I can actually influence him is where I make contact with him.
Okay So if I’m too busy pulling away or fighting, how can I manipulate the energy So He’s pushing me. You see how now I’m matching his energy and then I control it behind it. Okay Now, that’s the first day. Like I said, three proof is how we do it.
But the concept of know how to work with energy and not against it are ahead of it, is the way you get your three proof to manipulate that. So the Cop technique is the most important thing that you have to get down. Because if you are fighting, then you can’t be controlling.
You know what you lack in skill you make up in strength . So if you’re fighting him, then you’re not gonna be able to control them.
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