This first video explains the 4 ways a person can push you.
The good news is there are only 4 types of interceptions for this.
The 4 Ways to Intercept a Push
The 4 Points of Interception
- Inside, Inside
- Inside, Outside
- Outside, Outside
- Outside
…Keep These In Mind
When someone pushes you are going to want to take a step backward. You do not want to actually move your energy backward, in fact, you want to project your energy forward.
You don’t want to waste your energy trying to keep your opponent’s hands away from you. Rather you want to focus on getting your hands in for an attack or counterattack.
Your mindset should be to attack or counterattack. Too often people tend to have the mindset of blocking and defending. The reason why having a defensive mindset is wrong in this situation is because we don’t want to get rid of the person’s hands. We want to get rid of the person.
Make sense?

Dealing With A Push With The Outside Outside Technique
This video is a continuation of our intercepting a push series. In this lesson, Sifu Phu breaks down dealing with a push using an Outside, Outside Technique.
…Keep These In Mind
This technique intercepts a person’s arms from the outside. After learning this technique and it doesn’t work for you.
Just like in the first part of this post, you are going to want to take a step back or to the side. The reason why is because:
- It takes the pressure off of you.
- Dissipates the pressure.
- Helps you root yourself down.
Then you are going to want to create a base and raise your arms up upon contact. (This is what is going to help you dissipate the energy.)
Again you are going to want to have an offensive or counter-offensive mindset.
Finally, you are going to want to focus on your wrist control. This is where F.C.C. comes in. Focus on your wrist, so that you can convert the energy so that you can gain control.
Sifu Phu Likes To Say:
It’s not the technique that failed you, it is you that failed the technique.
Sifu Phu Ngo
Final Thoughts…
If you spend time on our blog you will find many video lessons repeated. That’s because you can explain an idea or a technique in many different ways.
A big part of becoming an expert martial artist is training repetition. That also means going back over concepts. One thing I love about learning online via videos is you can watch a lesson over and over until you understand.
Watching the same lesson taught in a different way can also be very helpful in helping you understand the technique and the physics behind it. It’s all about you having a better understanding of what you are doing.
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