This was a lesson Sifu Phu gave on slipping the punch and counter hitting at our 2018 Washington DC Seminar. Speaking of seminars we love doing them. With everything that has been going on in the world it's been difficult to try and hold one. However we look forward to starting them up again.What we do here at Enter Shaolin is very unique in the martial arts … [Read more...]
Washington D.C. Seminar 2018
We had this seminar at the same location we held our last Enter Shaolin seminar in Washington D.C. . I have to apologize about the audio. The heaters where really loud, which caused the audio to very muddy on some of these videos.. In those videos I had to EQ the heck out them. The result is a tinny sound. Solo Training Drills Part 1 Part 1 - A & … [Read more...]