Hey family, hope everyone is doing well! We have this week’s update ready for you but first I want to talk to you about making progress in your training, health, wealth and anything else you can think of.
Last week I talked to you about getting back up on the horse again. This week I want to talk to you about taking baby steps. 😉
Remember last week I mentioned that sometimes when you create goals that are time based it isn’t always the best? In short, if you fall short of your goal you may end up getting really depressed, get anxiety, etc.
Obviously, we don’t want that for you.
So, when you start something like a new training routine or a diet, we recommend starting small.
For example:Â Maybe you would like to run 1 mile in 10 minutes but the problem is you have a hard time jogging. In this example, in the back of your mind set your intention to run 1 mile in 10 minutes. If the best you can do is walk the mile in 30 minutes that’s okay. Start there.
The only important thing to do is stay consistent in your effort. In other words, just make sure you do something and always try and do better than the last time.
Maybe it takes you 29 minutes to walk the mile the next time you try. That’s great as you improved and any improvement is better than no improvement. The point is over time with consistent action, you will eventually get the time to where you want it to be. Maybe in a week, maybe a month or maybe a year regardless of how long it takes it’s okay because every time you do something you are 1 step closer to where you want to be.
And when you get there, set a new goal and then a new one and so one.
Remember, take baby steps and enjoy what you are doing along the way.
This approach will help you accomplish your goals in a way that will prevent injury and also reduce the stress. Take it in strides.
Now on to your training…
Watch Tuesday’s Kung Fu Q&A Replay:
Watch Friday’s Kung Fu Q&A Replay:
New Patreon Video for Patron’s:
Not a Patron of Enter Shaolin yet?
Become a Patron!
Your Free Training Hall Video Of The Week:
Tai Chi
What’s New In The Training Hall This Week:
(ACCESS LEVEL:Â Junior, Senior and Abbot)
Wing Chun
C.O.R.E. Training
Ngo Dac Na
Abbot Member Critique:
(ACCESS LEVEL:Â Lite, Junior, Senior, and Abbot)
Happy Training,
Sifu Larry Rivera
& The Enter Shaolin Family
Kevin F says
Hi , the Tuesday webinar is dowloaded twice. The Friday webinar and Tuesday night semibar are exactly the same. Alsi, I do not get enail alerts anymore to send questions for both webinars. I have a few questions to submit but I do not have the time to join you live.
Sije Jamie Pelaez says
Hey Kevin, I just rechecked and they are not the same. The feed is automatically added to YouTube so it would be impossible for it to be the same as it is up right after each webinar. The Tuesday one is also less time than the Friday one by about 20 minutes and in Tuesday we are not in the same room and the Friday we are in the same room. It’s also why the thumbnails are different. Please recheck the page to see what I mean.
We haven’t been sending out the emails as everyone has been sending them like we ask in the webinars to support@entershaolin.com. However, I will start this week to send them out again as if there is one person not realizing to do this, then there are more. So thank you for letting me know we should add them back into our email schedule! 🙂
Kevin F says
Dear Jaime. It was playing the Tuesday webinar for a minute but when I went back in later, it worked. I can’t explain… Thanks for your help and for adding me back on the email notices.
Sije Jamie Pelaez says
Gotta love technology, it’s always keeping us on our toes! You are welcome brother!
Ron B says
Hi Larry,
Great articles! It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when training because there is so much to learn. I especially liked: “just make sure you do something and always try and do better than the last time.” That helps.
Sifu Larry Rivera says
Your welcome Ron! 🙂