Hey family! How are you? I hope you have had an awesome week. :) It's been a looooong past couple weeks here at Enter Shaolin. And while some things did not get checked off our list, we did get a quite bit resolved and moving forward. Yes!!! I am going to keep this update short and sweet as we are working on a few things still and the clock is ticking, … [Read more...]
Enter Shaolin Update | Keep Moving Forward + Tai Chi Principles & More
Hey family, how are you this week? Life has a way of throwing curve balls at you when you least expect it. Just when you feel like you are making progress something or someone throws a monkey wrench into your plans. But regardless you have to keep moving forward. And that pretty much sums up our week. We will share more about that next week as we are still … [Read more...]
Enter Shaolin Update | Inside Patreon, New Music & Inside A Private Kung Fu Lesson + More
The lazy days of Summer are upon us. But here at Enter Shaolin we are full steam ahead. That doesn't mean we won't dip our toes in some water and watch the sunset or even take a day off to just play and breath for a bit. It means that we will make the most of each moment and of each day. :) As each day passes we will be more and more organized, more and … [Read more...]