Hey family! How are you? If you missed last week’s update on Qigong Reflections, check it out here…
We had a good week moving full steam ahead with our team members. Some of the biggest things we are working on behind the scenes is making the site faster and more efficient for you to use.
This upcoming week Sije Jamie is going to be moving our affiliate/ambassador program on to its own subdomain to help with this as well as reconfiguring our CDN to optimize speed. Once everything is up and going, Sije will email our ambassadors on how to access their account.
We are also getting back to making music! Meditation, Qigong/Tai Chi music and then some.
And as each week comes and goes we will add more and more to get back into full swing, better than ever.
Sometimes in life you have to step back to move forward. Like Sifu Phu says, it’s okay to step back as long as your energy is still moving forward.
Next week besides some new music, you can also expect a new Patreon video, more great content on YouTube and of course new content here for our members as well.
Speaking of YouTube, check out some of our short training tips here below! 🙂
WATCH | Chi Flow And Healing Hands
Get the transcript for ‘How To Apply Chi Energy With Healing Hands’ here.
Sije Jamie created this fun meme, please share it on to your favorite social media sites!

That look you get when someone says they don’t believe in chi…
WATCH | How To Conserve Your Energy When Sparring
Get the transcript for ‘Ways To Conserve Your Energy When Sparring’ here.
And we also have the Kung Fu Q&A replay available for you here, lots of great tips and questions asked this week. Enjoy!
WATCH | Enter Shaolin’s Kung Fu Q&A Replay
Hey you… Let us know how you are doing in the comments below! We look forward to hearing from you!
Now on to your training…
What’s New In The Training Hall This Week:
(ACCESS LEVEL: Junior, Senior, Abbot)
Wing Chun
Enter Shaolin Seminars
(ACCESS LEVEL: Junior, Senior, Lite, Abbot)
Happy Training,
Sifu Larry Rivera
& The Enter Shaolin Family
That was a great Q&A video. I have a question. I joined a push hands meetup group with very experienced guys. 20-30 yr Veterans. Sifu mentioned using the wrists in push hands in the video. I can’t seem to get any control with these guys. I must not be using my wrists in push hands very well. Any suggestions or any Enter Shaolin videos I can watch that shows wrist control in push hands?
Hi Steven, gaining control of a person is almost by default if you do everything else correctly.
Let’s break down what I mean a little bit. A mistake people make when trying to get control is in their minds eye they have an idea of what they would like to do. In the example here you say.
“I can’t seem to get any control with these guys”.. This means mentally you are actively trying to gain control of your opponent. The problem here, believe it or not is instead of doing what the energy is telling you to do, you are attempting to do what you want to do.
This in of itself is a form of forcing. Using the 3 C’s principle you have to first connect to your opponent ==> Then Conform <== before you gain control. It's the conforming part that lots of of folks mess up on. I like to tell my students that you don't take control because you want control. You gain control because you conformed to your opponent. Or another way of saying it is you create balance between you and your opponent, by default this gives control to the person who is aware that they have. So being aware you have control is different than wanting to take control. Wanting to take control is a forceful action. Being aware that you have control is a passive action. One thought causes forcing, the other thought is free from force. While yes you must have wrist control, you must also conform to the person energy as well. I like this question, so I will be sure to do a video lesson on it.