While science doesn’t leave us with a definitive answer if Qi (Chi) exist. I can tell you from personal experience that I have felt this invisible energy move through my body while doing exercises like Qigong and Tai Chi. I even can feel it moving through my body when I am meditating.
…Before I finish up this post, check out what Sije Jamie and Sifu Phu has to say about it
You only need to train in Qigong a few times to feel Chi. I have never experienced anything super natural. I haven’t seen it create super human abilities or anything like that. Rather I have found that our bodies have the amazing ability to heal itself.
I believe that over the centuries ancient wisdom has been lost to our modern society as such things like Qi have been mis understood and the real power of Chi has been lost to history.
I read books on developing Qi as well as spoken in depth with my acupuncturist about it. It’s definitely a thing and that’s all I know. I mean I can feel it. Over the years I have practiced qigong going on 26 years now. I can relax my body and free my mind simply by breathing in and breathing out. From that relaxed state when I do things like play chi sao, spar or do push hands I can feel that my senses are heightened.
I also feel that doing Qigong over the years has given me an advantage when it comes to developing my sensitivity skill. And the proof is in the pudding. My skillset is really good and I can’t even tell you how shocked people are when they touch hands with me.
I remember when I first walked into Sifu Phu’s school 26 years ago. He hit me so hard I literally saw a white flash before my eyes. He joked and said it wasn’t even 10% of his power and looking back on that day I don’t think he was lying about that. I asked him what his secret was and he said he had good Chi. I then asked him, how do I have good chi. His answer was learn Tai Chi and Qigong.
It took me a hot minute to really dig into Tai Chi, but as for Qigong I learned that right away and have been practicing it ever since.
Valonda says
I have felt the energy of chi in the same circumstances, during Qigong, Tai Chi and in prayer. A very strong force flowing through my body.
Sifu Larry Rivera says
Right you have to experience it…
Witalis says
…yes, Tai Chi, Qigong is the way to learnt to feel energy, it is slow, but it allows you to read yourself, to see how you connect from the ground to the potential target, it is a learning process, yes it requires patience and time…
…if some one is looking for quality performance, for real deal, and not just for external impression, like some dancing moves, it has to be done with the purpose in mind for each move, it is not for just looking good, it is for getting effective…
…many people today are looking for quick easy pills, they only work for short time, and do not give long term benefits for health, mobility and true ever growing skill…
…instead of quick and cheap solutions, people should focus their mind on the learning process, learn to enjoy the journey… 🙂
Sifu Larry Rivera says
I agree!!! 🙂
Tiffany Sheets says
This was so dynamic, what a fascinating read. I had no idea and am super intrigued! Thank you for sharing your story and encouraging others to discover Tai Chi and Qigong for themselves!!
Lliam Tallon says
Our bodies are designed to harmonicly resonate with our environment. In the qigong practice the movements assist in not only opening pathways but use muscle memory to chart pathways in the right and left hemispheres of the brain. This is now known as hemi sync. In my studies in frequency healing properties and alternative medicine I’ve found that if you chant or hum the om while breathing with the stomach it multiples the effect. Everything in our lives is frequency. Even to the point of replenishing the chi of your chakras to dissolving cancer cells. From singing bowls to tuning forks. Royal RIFE systems to Tesla vibrational healing coils. We need to use what GOD gave us instead of what man profits from.
Thank you very much for your informative writing.
Sifu Larry Rivera says
You’re welcome!
John M says
Thank you sifu larry for sharing i realized from my training with sifu phu yrs ago and my time here at enter shaolin that ndn and sifu phus principles once learned really becomes common sense like people sayin they dont believe in chi is like saying you dont believe in air or energy just cause you cant see it. The problem is you have people and martial artists who dont understand what chi is so they mis explain it to other people and so on and so on. Ive felt chi during tai chi qigong and meditation. Its definetely a process to learn and feel energy. I really cant believe most martial artist around the world dont understand ndn principles like 3 proof etc. Who would of thought the secret to martial arts would come from a martial artist in glassborro nj. Thank you again for sharing sifu larry god bless.
Sifu Larry Rivera says
Thanks for commenting John! You know when Sifu told me many moons ago that what he was teaching nobody else was, I didn’t believe him. It took going out into the world and visiting other martial art schools as well as playing a ton of different martial artist to realize that he indeed is teaching something pretty unique and special. I am so glad to be able to share it with you.
guy k says
hey I can also say when sifu was in Israel he hit me to the chest and I fall back to a cher felt good did not aspects that sound like develop chi is good for the 3 proof
Sifu Larry Rivera says
Right on!
Dan N says
For me the question is not if chi exists, or not, but what is the best way to cultivate it. 20 years ago when I started training in Ti Chi. My instructor at the time taught us to focus the flow directions of our chi. Another school of thought, that I was exposed to, was to let it grow naturally through proper form and breathing. This instructor explained that forcing chi to grow, is like pulling on a small plant to make it grow faster.
How do you train your chi?
Stay well,
Sifu Larry Rivera says
So when I started training with Sifu Phu I started with my best friend. He was actually taller, stronger and more athletic than I was. But there was a difference, he questioned everything including himself where as I just said yes Sifu and proceeded with my training.
In about 3 years, my skill set started moving past his which as you might imagine upset him. He expected to be at a certain point in a certain amount of time. This ultimately was his undoing. He threw the towel in so to speak and here I am 26 years later in a business with Sifu Phu.
The best way to train your Qi is simply to be consistent in your training. Don’t stop no matter what and when your mind, body and spirit is ready to move forward they will. We can’t force these things. It is best to just let them happen naturally and enjoy the journey. Because at the end of the day it’s not about the destination it’s about the journey of self discovery along the way.
Kevin F. says
I have been with Enter Shaolin – going on five years- because I was interested in learning Wing Chun and I could not afford the price of local schools teaching the art. I stumbled upon entertaichi after viewing other martial arts content online. I joined as a light member and completed the 101 course in about a little over a year. This was where I was first introduced to Qi Gong. I remember the difficulty I had learning many of the movements -side side push, dynamic hands-but I played and replayed the clips over and over until I was able to understand it. When I upgraded to Junior Membership, I started learning sio lim tau and played and replayed it over and watched and listed to the live webinars and gathered more tips and details I might have overlooked. It was on one of these webinars that Sifu Phu told a story about how Tai Chi saved his student’s life because he was working in construction and a huge crane with heavy material swung at him out of nowhere and he was able to guide this gigantic thing out of the way. If he didn’t, he would have been crushed to death. After hearing that story and how Sifu always stressed that Tai Chi will help you with your Wing Chun that I decided to give it a try. I can truly attest to not only the energy that you feel throughout your entire body with Tai Chi and Qi Gong (if done the correct way) but the calmness and balance it gives you as well. You will feel like a tuned instrument. Luckily, I have not had the experience of dodging flying, weighted objects but I can tell you how many times I have avoided falling on black ice because of the sensitivity and balance Tai Chi creates. As for the Wing Chun training, they are definitely right. If I practice my Tai Chi or Qi Gong before training on the wooden dummy, I much more relaxed, flowing, and sensing movement and feeling much better. In the end I wish I had more time to train but I am constantly moving my energy with my wrists at different moments throughout the day. If you do it correctly and enough, the feeling comes quicker each time. Thank you Enter Shaolin and Enter Tai Chi. You don’t how much your site has changed my life, and I am sure others as well!
Sifu Larry Rivera says
Thank you Kevin for sharing your story.. Much love brother!
Brian Gregory says
I believe that Chi is real. However, I have constant argument with my Family Physician who does not believe in Chi.
Sifu Larry Rivera says
I feel ya brother!
John Joenks says
For me Qi comes from within you. What I mean by this it is your ability to connect to yourself through movment and breath. Once you have connected these things you have a different feeling when you do things such as hitting someone or manipulate someone to you it will seem effortless to them it will almost seem super human or even super natural. One other thing for me and how I have felt a better Qi in myself is learning the exercises both Si fu’s keep talking about and learning the base and 3 proof these things have taken me and my inner Qi to a new lvl I did not know was even within me. I am a life long member and can not thank all three of these most helpful persons to help me find my martial arts excitment agine after almost calling it quits when I felt like I could not get myself to a better lvl of experience than I had to learn I realy know nothing I thank you all agine for the privilege of learning from you all.
Sifu Larry Rivera says
Thank you!!!!! 🙂