The music you hear in the video is from the soundtrack "The Last Samurai." When it comes to your training I want you to think outside of the box and the norms. There is only 1 truth when it comes to most things. There are many roads that lead to the truth.For us our tagline says it all: "Don't Let Style Define You, Let Energy Refine You"Do You Really Need To … [Read more...]
Neijia – Top 3 Internal Martial Arts
In Chinese Martial Arts, Neijia refers to the different styles of neijing, or internal martial arts. These styles focus on mental, spiritual, and qi-related aspects of martial arts. Learn more about Neijia and its history in this article. This article will also discuss some of the benefits of the different styles. Internal Martial Arts are a great choice if … [Read more...]
Internal Martial Arts | Do They Really Work?
For me personally I have always been fascinated with Internal Martial Arts. Through my own research I have seen some pretty silly things and heard some outrageous claims. People tend to listen to people's opinions rather than facts. You will hear stories about someone somewhere doing something amazing and that story is passed along from person to person and … [Read more...]
Is Qi (Chi) Real?
While science doesn't leave us with a definitive answer if Qi (Chi) exist. I can tell you from personal experience that I have felt this invisible energy move through my body while doing exercises like Qigong and Tai Chi. I even can feel it moving through my body when I am meditating. ...Before I finish up this post, check out what Sije Jamie and Sifu Phu … [Read more...]
Learn Kung Fu Online | Sneak Peek Of The Lessons Inside Enter Shaolin
As a way of saying thank you to all those that follows us on YouTube and other media, we are going to share with you a sample of the type of lessons you get when you join Enter Shaolin. But first I am going to share some back story with you. When we launched Enter Shaolin (May 1st, 2014), we knew that we would be filming for years to come because Sifu Phu … [Read more...]