Hey familia! I am so happy to share with you some of my training from earlier in the month. Hector and I just started working on some training together and I know you will not only find lots of value from the lessons but also get a chance to have a more inside view of who we are. You may even get some good laughs, after all when you get two Latino ADHD … [Read more...]
Enter Shaolin Updates | What’s New This Week 10/16/2015
Hey Familia! Jamie here... I am back from a neat little trip I got to surprise Jaya (my daughter) for her 9th birthday. I took her to North Carolina to visit family from NC and Florida plus take her on a train ride (a first for both of us). We left on our road trip 10/08 and got back late 10/13. There were a lot of great lessons the days before and the … [Read more...]
Martial Arts Journey | No Pain, No Gain
My 'Martial Arts Journey' evolution started later in life than some. However, starting with functional martial arts training has helped me solve real-life challenges.Paying My Martial Arts Journey DuesHey brothers and sisters!Sorry, it has been so long since I last wrote you about my martial arts journey ... I wish I had some awesome glamorous excuse... But … [Read more...]
My Kung Fu Journey | A Thousand Miles Starts With The First Step
Hey family! I have a funny snippet to share with you from the end of my exercise training session last night. We are finally starting to film bits and pieces of my trials and triumphs of my Kung Fu journey to share with you. I've been begging Sifu Larry to start filming him teaching me, etc. He gives away a lot of gold nuggets of information plus a lot of … [Read more...]