Before we talk about what online Kung Fu school is for you, I want to share this with you lesson with you. :)3 Tips That Will Help You To Never Lose A FightThe most important tip is your mindset. Your mindset will be the biggest factor in winning the fight. Also having good technique is important. I said in the video that you can do this technique if you … [Read more...]
Enter Shaolin Update | We Turn 3, 14 Ways To Get The Most Out Of Your Membership Plus Podcast Episode 5
Hey family! How has your week been? Enter Shaolin had it's 3rd birthday on May 1st. We've also been busy fixing things on the back end and working on raising the funds to put some finishing touched on equipment and the website. I am personally looking forward to my Sabbath day of rest tomorrow. Sunday I will be back at it, I've also been working extra hours … [Read more...]
Enter Shaolin Updates | Training Tips & Struggles Plus Sifu’s Corner Is Back
Hey family how has your week been? I wanted to share with you this week a peek into my training with Sifu Phu. As you may or may not know, I've been training with him for about 23 years. Around 2013 I took time off from training with Sifu to focus on my internet marketing skills. I was however still teaching my own students and doing my own training solo … [Read more...]