Hey family, how are you? Sorry, we did not get the update out last week. We've been dealing with a lot of learning behind the scenes implementing new equipment and procedures to enhance what we currently do here at Enter Shaolin. So this week we have a lot more content than normal to make up for it just a bit... ;) First up I had the honor of doing an … [Read more...]
Enter Shaolin Update | Kung Fu Seminar, Birthday Wishes and Huge Savings
Hi family, we hope everyone has had a great week so far. I just wanted to quickly let you know we started re-filming the Qigong videos. We would love to hear your feedback on the remakes of the videos. This week we released the first exercise 'Circle The Ball'. Sije Jamie and I also made a video update for you where we talk about the upcoming seminar, … [Read more...]
Enter Shaolin Update | 4 Year Birthday, Wushu Testing + New Kung Fu Training
Hey family, how are you? I hope you and yours are doing awesome! Last week Sifu Larry's daughter as well as my daughter tested for their Red sash in Wushu. It was great to watch their progress as well as to get to spend time with them. Watch the girls' Wushu testing here: To celebrate we took the girls out to get some ice cream. The girls had … [Read more...]
Enter Shaolin Update | We Turn 3, 14 Ways To Get The Most Out Of Your Membership Plus Podcast Episode 5
Hey family! How has your week been? Enter Shaolin had it's 3rd birthday on May 1st. We've also been busy fixing things on the back end and working on raising the funds to put some finishing touched on equipment and the website. I am personally looking forward to my Sabbath day of rest tomorrow. Sunday I will be back at it, I've also been working extra hours … [Read more...]